|mapbox>[<img class='i1' src='images/oldlands.png'/>]\
(link-undo:"Back to previous")
**Q:** *What is this game? How do I play?*
**A:** Oldlands is what they call a "zero-player game". It generates a world and then writes its history, acting out tribes, kingdoms, mythic beasts and things that happen to them. To play, just choose a world size and random seed, then keep clicking "continue" as the story unfolds.
**Q:** *Can I save my playthrough to load later?*
**A:** Currently not, but you can 100% replicate a playthrough by entering the same seed and world size at start. (Remember that seeds are case-sensitive.) When and if there are ways to affect the course of the playthrough by player choices, I will probably add a save/load option.
**Q:** *What was the inspiration for Oldlands?*
**A:** The idea started as a forum-based let's play of the worldbuilding game How to Host a Dungeon. I will refer you to the <a href="http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=174986" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">original thread</a>. Other than that, a lot of the inspiration was drawn from videogames such as Dwarf Fortress and Crusader Kings series, and reading a lot of sci-pop articles on ancient history.
**Q:** *Can the game be localized into another language?*
**A:** Unlikely, given how heavily it relies on dynamically-generated text.
**Q:** *Can I see more details on a particular monster or settlement?*
**A:** You can click on groups on the map to get a little extra information. There are three main "stats", that semi-abstractly represent population/manpower (pop), resources/wealth (loot), and insight/advantage (edge). The settlements also keep track of what has and has not been built, though some options are repeatable.
**Q:** *How many people does "1 pop" represent?*
**A:** If it's a mythic beast, then the 1 pop is just the beast itself. If it's a kingdom, tribe or other group, then 1 pop represents one extended family, squad of soldiers, or otherwise about a dozen people. Note that creatures' killcounts will reflect that. Obviously this is not meant to be an accurate representation.
**Q:** *How is the game world generated?*
**A:** The game distributes biomes according to the Voronoi algorithm, with colder biomes in the north and hotter in the south. Then it adds volcanoes and tries to run a river or two from the highest peak to the sea. Then selects spots for placing cave lairs and tribal settlements. And for the moment, that's it.
**Q:** *The mythic beasts are overpowered! Can they even be killed?*
**A:** Currently only sometimes during the Age of Creation, or later by another mythic beast. There's a reason the game generates only a few of them. This might change in later versions, particularly once legendary weapons are implemented.
**Q:** *The name says "Seven Ages", but what ages are there in the game?*
**A:** Currently, only Age of Creation and Age of Kingdoms are implemented. The finished version of the game should contain several more, up to and including an industrial revolution. There might actually be seven of them, though the title is more of a reference to Shakespeare.
**Q:** *What else is planned?*
**A:** Short list, in no particular order:
* Improved world generation, more things affecting biome placement, beyond just latitude. E.g. precipitation maps being affected by mountains, and river courses respecting elevation better. Cataclysms significantly changing the face of the world.
* More events and better dynamic prose for existing events. There can never be enough variety. Events specific to Ages, or triggering the start of the next Age. Possibility for legendary items / artifacts to be created, used, and fought over.
* Civilization leaders having more personality and affecting things more. Additional factions beyond just mythic beasts, kingdoms, clans and tribes. Namely, various lesser monster packs, outlaws/bandits, undead, and evil wizards with minions.
* Keeping track of characters other than leaders. Great heroes arising over the course of history and causing trouble in the world. Some options for the player to control such an adventurer's path.
* More consistent art style, better variety in tile graphics, better transition between terrain types, more informative map and an option to zoom in for larger worlds. Not discounting the possibility of some animation as well.
**Q:** *Who made this and in what programming language?*
**A:** Oldlands is powered by <a href="https://twinery.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Twine</a>.
Programming, Art & Design by <a href="https://ifdb.tads.org/showuser?id=2q9mhs61i4acfnq2" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Dmitri "Murphy" Kubasov</a>.
Visit the <a href="https://oldlands.neocities.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">game's website</a> for news and new versions.
Tile graphics are based on assets available at <a href="https://game-icons.net" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">game-icons.net</a> website.
Dwarven Axe font (used on the title screen) created by Nate Piekos.
**Q:** *Is this game free and open source?*
**A:** The game is free to play. Due to the peculiarities of Twine engine, the **oldlands.html** file contains all of the source code, which you can retrieve by importing said game file into Twine, and delve into how it works if you want. However, you are **not allowed** to use the game for commercial purposes, nor distribute modified copies without permission. All rights are otherwise retained by the author.
**Q:** *What about distributing an unmodified version? Can I download the game?*
**A:** At this stage (alpha development), a standalone version with all assets is not provided. If you download the html file without assets, the game will not be able to display map tiles. When (and if) the game reaches a state more resembling a finished product, I will bundle a standalone zipped version. For now, please instead refer people to the website link above, which will have the most up-to-date version.
(link-undo:"Back to previous")](scroll: ?logbox, 0){
(if:_z's length > 0)[
(set:_q to (either: ..._z))
(set:_i to _x-(_q%$w),_j to _y-(floor:_q/$w),_k to $map's _q)
(set:_d to (cond:_j>0,"north",_j<0,"south","")+(cond:_i>0,"west",_i<0,"east",""))
(if:_k is "m")[
(set: $map's _q to "M")
($l2:" a prospecting team from %s discovered new deposits of %s in the mountains %s of the main settlement.",
_n,(either:"tinstone and various gems","azurite and malachite","silver-bearing galena","high-quality marble","bituminous coal"),_d,_n)
](else-if:_k is a digit)[
(set: $map's _q to (str:(num:it)-1))
($l2:" a resourceful group from %s brought back various loot and useful materials scavenged from the %sern ruins, for sale at the junk shop in the main settlement.",_n,_d)
](else-if:_k is "M")[
(set: $map's _q to "m")
($l2:" %s employed builders to dig new quarries and mines in the %sern mountains to supply the %s's growing need for metal and stone.",_h,_d,_n)
](else-if:_k is "S")[
(set: $map's _q to "s")
($l2:" a load of bog iron was extracted from a swamp %s from the %s, to smelt in bloomeries and turn into blades and tools.",_d,_n)
](else-if:_k is "I")[
(set: $map's _q to "i")(display:"LoseE")
($l2:" an expedition returned from icy wastes %s of the %s, carrying a load of %s discovered therein.",
_d,_n,(either:"gemstones","valuable ore","gold nuggets"))
](else-if:_k is "F")[
(set: _i to (random:1,6))
($l2:" the %s had a %s harvest, with the only the barest amount of produce brought to the farmers' market, and spirits among the populace were at an all time low. Although people weren't outright starving, food shortages greatly stifled trade and travel in the kingdom's vicinity, and no particular headway was to be had in building or any other projects.",_n,(nth:_i,"poor","mediocre"))(if:_l>0)[(display:"LoseL")]
(set:_b to false)
($l2:" despite having a %s harvest, the %s was unable to build up its wealth or stores, merely sustaining the people's needs with enough for the winter.",(nth:_i-2,"fair","decent"),_n)
($l2:" the %s was blessed with a particularly bountiful food and textile harvest from its %sern fields, with great surplus both on markets and in tax reports.",_n,_d)
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to (it+"H")-" ")
](else-if:_k is a lowercase)[
(set: $map's _q to _k of (dm:"a","d","b","u","j","a","w","g"))
" the hunters and loggers from %s exhausted much of the resources in the %sern %s, leaving only %s in its stead.",
" the %s expanded its logging and hunting to %s, in a span of %s which was soon depleted into a scarce %s."),
_n,_d,($terr:(uppercase:_k)),($terr:(uppercase:$map's _q)))
(display: "GainL")
](else-if:_k is in "LOR")[
(set:$map's _q to (lowercase: _k))
($l2:" %s sent forth fishing crews into the %sern area of the %s to harvest its bounty.",_n,_d,($terr:(uppercase:_k)))
(display: "GainL")
(set:$map's _q to (lowercase: _k))
($l2:" %s sent forth loggers and trappers to harvest more wood and furs from the %sern %s.",_n,_d,($terr:(uppercase:_k)))
(display: "GainL")
($l2:" %s's council voiced concern over the dwindling resources of the land, suggesting the %s send out more groups to take advantage of hitherto unsettled areas.",_h,_n)
(set:_z to ($tiles1:_m,"AaHhGgWwBbJjf"+(cond:_e>0,"UuDdSs","")))
$dev[<br>Shortage check: (print:_f's length) adjacent farms, (print:_z's length) potential farm tiles.]
(set:_b to true,_o to _p>_f's length+2)
(if:(_p>=_f's length+2) and (_z's length > 0))[
(set: _b to false, _o to true, _q to (either:..._z))
(set: _i to _x-(_q%$w),_j to _y-(floor:_q/$w),_k to $map's _q,_f to it+(a:_q))
(set: _d to (cond:_j is 1,"north",_j is -1,"south","")+(cond:_i is 1,"west",_i is -1,"east",""), _q of $map to "F")
(if:_k is "f")[
($l2:"the razed farmhouses in the %s were being reclaimed by the %s to put the land to use again. ",_d,_n)
(set:_s to (random:1,3))
(if:_s is 1)[(set:_r to ($parse: "yet untamed parts of the %s",($terr:_k)))]
(else-if:_s is 2)[(set:_r to ($parse:"the %s to the %s",($terr:_k),_d))]
(else:)[(set:_r to ($parse:"the kingdom's %sern territories",_d))]
"with the %s's growing population, new farming homesteads were established in %s. ",
"the %s sought to expand its farming territories into %s to provide food for more people. ",
"people of the %s established homesteads and cleared out new fields for their crops in %s. "),
(if:_p<=_f's length+2)[
(set: _o to false)
(if: _h contains "the Diligent")[
($l2:"Much of the year was spent building aqueducts to improve the harvest, with %s personally overseeing construction as always.",_h)
](else-if:_k is in "DdUu")[
($l2:"Much effort had to be spent overcoming the hurdles of farming in the %s, as only a few crops could survive the harsh conditions.", ($terr:_k))
](else-if:_k is in "Ss")[
($l2:"Reclaiming the wetland for the task was not easy, but produced fertile soil as water was drained through channels dug in the ground.")
](else-if:_k is in "WwBbJj")[
($l2:"The %s was burned down in order to create space and provide fertility to the soil before farms could be established in the resulting field.", ($terr:_k))
"Crafts, farming tools and trade goods were produced in quantity to support this endeavor and bring wealth to the %s and %s realm.",
"To go with this, the %s ordered %s advisors to arrange the next census and revise tax collection in order to keep the treasury full.",
"By the %s's decree, a minor festival was organized to celebrate continued prosperity of the kingdom and ensure that the land remains fertile."),
(set:_b to false, (1st of $groups)'s "built" to (it+"H")-" ")
(if: (_z's length is 0))[
"the %s's people were already farming all of the adjacent land that could be farmed. ",
"the %s was unable to expand its crop fields due to severe lack of fertile soil. ",
"no new homesteads were established, as the %s found itself short of arable land. ")
(if:_g's type is "CK" and _u contains "P")[
(set:_z to ($tiles2:_m,"ABJLORSUW"))
(set:_z to ($tiles1:_m,"ABJLORSUW"))
(unless:_t is 1)[(set: _z to it+(a:-1,-1,-1))]
(if: _z's length > 0)[
(set: _q to (either: ..._z))
(if: _q is -1)[
(display: "KillP")
($l2:"Multiple trips farther out were undertaken by the kingdom's huntsmen in an effort to obtain more food, and a %s known to roam the countryside became the prime source of meat, albeit its numbers were severely thinned soon.", _v's name)
(set:_i to _x-(_q%$w),_j to _y-(floor:_q/$w),_k to $map's _q, $map's _q to (lowercase: it))
(set:_d to (cond:_j>0,"north",_j<0,"south","")+(cond:_i>0,"west",_i<0,"east",""))
($l2:(either:"Due to the need to provide","In efforts to bring forth")+" enough food, "+(cond:$map's _q is in "lor",
"fishing crews in the kingdom's employ saw a near-depletion of fish in the %s to the %s.",
"extensive hunting and trapping almost depleted the wild game in the %s to the %s.")+
" Although in the short term the needs were met, the effects would be felt for years to come.",
($l2:" As the specter of starvation loomed over the kingdom, the "+(cond:($tiles1:_m,"lor") is not (a:),
"fishing crews found little to no catch in nearby waters",
"hunters and trappers found almost no game in nearby wilderness")
+" and were forced to go much farther to bring back anything at all. ")
(if:_l>1 and _h does not contain "the Greedy")[
(display: "Lose2L")
($l2:" "+(either:"Thankfully, ","Fortunately, ","To the %s's credit, ","It was by the %s's grace that ")+
(either: "the granaries had plenty stored yet, and the worst of the famine could be avoided.",
"there was no expense spared in making sure the kingdom produced enough to survive.",
"the treasury still had reserves to support the people during the famine."), ($royal:_h))
(display: "Lose2E")
($l2:"When turned to for guidance, %s was able to organize what was available to make supplies last.",_h)
(display: "Lose2P")
($l2:(either:"Alas, there was little to be done as food shortages took a severe toll on the kingdom.",
"Tragically, many had perished that year, or left in search of a better place to live."))
($l2:", realizing it had an enemy close by, the %s set out to train its fighting force and prepare for the inevitable. Weapons were brought forth from storage, combat drills performed, and scouts sent forth to keep watchful eye on the surrounding territory. %s partook in the training personally, hoping to thus bolster the morale of what few troops %s had.",_n,_h,($hisher:_h))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6)-(cond:_v's "fort">=2,2,0))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2)(display:"KillE")]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2)(display:"LoseE")]
(set:_r to (random:1,3))
(if:_r is 1)[
($l2:"%s assembled %s %s for %s on the %s.",
_h,($hisher:_h),(either:"warriors","soldiers","troops"),(either:"a march","an attack","a strike"),_v's "name")
](else-if:_r is 2)[
($l2:"%s's %s armed themselves for %s on the %s.",
_h,(either:"warriors","soldiers","troops"),(either:"a march","an attack","a strike"),_v's "name")
($l2:"%s conflict ensued between %s's %s and the %s.",
(either:"a fierce","a bloody","an armed"),_h,(either:"warriors","soldiers","troops"),_v's "name")
($l2:" The attacking %s force %s, ",
(str-replaced:(p-either:" Clan","Kingdom of "),"",_n),(cond:_v's "fort">=2,"assaulted an enemy fortified line","engaged the enemy in a pitched battle"))
(if: _s > 4)[
(display: "KillP")
($l2:"inflicting terrible losses on their foe. ")
(if: _g's "type" is "CK")[(display: "GainE")]
(else-if: _s > 2)[
(display: "KillP")(display: "LoseP")
($l2:"which left many dead on either side. ")
(display: "LoseP")
($l2:"but was driven back in summary defeat. ")
(if:_v's "pop" is 0)[
(if: _v's "type" is in (ds:"CK","RK","BK","LK","GK"))[
($l2:"%s the %s, its capital now a hollow, deserted ruin.",
(either:"Thus ended the story of","This spelled doom for","These were the last days of"),_v's name)
($l2:"With this, the %s was wiped off the face of %s, the few survivors never to be seen again.",
_v's "name",1st of (split: ",", $worldname))
(set:_r to (random:3))
(if:_r is 1)[
($l2:"%s %sself was wounded on the battlefield, contributing another scar to %s fighting history.",
](else-if:_r is 2 or _v's "type" is not in (ds:"CK","RK","BK","LK","NT"))[
($l2:"In the aftermath of the clash, %s fighters returned home to regroup for the %s's next campaign.",
(str-replaced:(p-either:" Clan","Kingdom of "),"",_n),($royal:_h))
($l2:"After fighting ended, %s to prevent further aggression for the time being.",
(either:"the sides agreed to an armistice","a brief armistice was reached","a short-term truce was established"))
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "pact" to _g's "pact"+(str-repeated:4,1st of (_v's "type")),
(_t of $groups)'s "pact" to _v's "pact"+(str-repeated:4,1st of (_g's "type")))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2, (_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e>0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(if:(random:1) is 0)[
($l2:" fearing that %s, known to lair nearby, might become more aggressive, %s dispatched emissaries to seek out the creature and offer it %s in return for peace. ",_v's "name",1st of (split:" the ",_h),(cond:_l is 0,"what little they had","gifts of treasure"))
($l2:" a group of messengers was sent by the %s towards the presumed lair of %s. They brought along a %s with which they thought to bribe the creature into not attacking. ",_n,_v's "name",(cond:_l is 0,"small herd of livestock","caravan of treasures"))
(if:_s>4 and _l>0)[
(display:"GiveL")(set:((_t of $groups)'s "pact") to it+(str-repeated:4,1st of (_g's "type")),(_t of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
"The enormous creature, pleased with the offerings, allowed the emissaries to leave without harm and pledged to spare the kingdom from its wrath... for a time, as it would, until its greed and hunger would awaken again.",
"The beast looked upon the offerings, its eyes narrowing, considering the tribute. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of silence, it hissed acceptance before allowing the men to depart from its lair."))
](else-if:_s>2 and _l>1)[
(display:"Give2L")(set:((_t of $groups)'s "pact") to it+(str-repeated:4,1st of (_g's "type")),(_t of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
"The beast, in its thunderous voice, demanded more gold and jewels to make up for the intrusion into its domain before it would stay its claw, and the caravan was emptied into its hoard, which seemed to appease the creature.",
"But before they could even reach the lair, the beast descended on them demanding all of the treasures merely as compensation for the intrusion, and more if peace was desired. With no other option, the extra tribute was brought."))
"The creature's eyes glowed with otherworldly light as it loomed over the men, its rumbling voice echoing through the lair. It declared the gifts paltry and insulting, and under threat of being devoured the emissaries quickly left.",
"As they made their way into the lair, they were greeted with an enraged roar, berating them for thinking they could tell it who to hunt. Faced with the wrath of the creature, they barely escaped with their lives."))
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6)-(cond:_v's "fort" > 2,4,_v's "fort" is 2,2,0))
(if: _s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set: _s to it-2, (_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if: _s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set: _s to it+2, (1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(set: _r to (shuffled:"den","nest","lair"))
(if: _p > 1)[
($l2:"%s sent a squad of %s soldiers led by a %s to drive %s out of its %s and stop the threat to the %s. ",_h,
(either:"experienced","hardened","loyal and brave"),
(either:"master archer","skilled tracker","warrior-priest"),
_v's name,_r's 1st,_n)
($l2:"%s personally led the last of %s warriors to drive %s away from the kingdom. ",
_h,($hisher:_h),_v's name,_r's 1st,_n)
(if: _s > 4)[
($l2:"In an ensuing %s, they managed to wound the beast severely, forcing it to %s%s.",
(either:"tense battle","bitter clash","epic struggle"),
(either:"retreat and hibernate","abandon its hunting grounds"),
(cond:_p is 1," and winning glory eternal for themselves",""))
(if: _v's "loot" > 0)[
(display: "TakeL")
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F",(_t of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
](else-if: _s > 2 and _p > 1)[
(display: "LoseP")
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F",(_t of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18),(_t of $groups)'s "kills" to it+(random:9,15))
"As the beast defended its %s, many met their end at its claws, but at the end of the day it was forced out.",
"Assaulting the %s, they crippled the creature and made it flee the area, though not all had survived the ordeal."),
_r's 2nd)
(display: "LoseP")
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "kills" to it+(random:9,15))
"Ambushing the beast in its own %s, they sought to cripple it, yet were cornered and slaughtered to a man.",
"Yet as they made their way to the creature's %s, it set up a cunning ambush of its own, killing many."),
_r's 2nd)
(if: _p is 0)[
($l2:"%s the %s, its capital now a hollow, deserted ruin.",
(either:"Thus ended the story of","This spelled doom for","These were the last days of"),_n)
($l2:"a patrol of %s %s chanced upon %s's %s in the wilderness the %s considered its territory, and on behalf of %s, demanded a toll for use of these lands as a pasture. ",2nd of (split:" of ",_n),(either:"warriors","soldiers","troops"),2nd of (words:_v's "lord"),(num:2nd of _v's "type") of (a:"reindeer","horses","camels","goats"),($etype:_g's "type"),_h)
(if:_v's "pop" is 1)[
($l2:"Having only a small herd the shepherds sharply objected to what they saw as blatant robbery, which quickly led to blades being drawn, and while some survived to escape, the herd had to be abandoned to the pursuers.")
(display:"KillP")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F")
($l2:"Being few in numbers the nomadic group had little choice but to part with some of their %s, but %s was able to haggle the toll down enough to keep most of the herd.",(num:2nd of _v's "type") of (a:"reindeer","horses","camels","goats"),_v's "lord")
(set:((1st of $groups)'s "pact") to it+"GGGG")
(display:"KillP")(display:"GainL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
}(set: $badges to (dm:
"Z0","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' style='filter:grayscale(100%)",
"ZT","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"))(display: "AP-act")(display: "AP-act")(display: "AP-act")(display: "AP-act"){
(if:_m is 0)[
(if:_f's length is 0)[(display:"MoveAway")]
(else-if: (_t is 1) or (_a contains (_v's "type")'s 1st))[(display:(cond:(_g's "fort" is 0) and (_l>0),"AlphaNest",_e is 0, "AlphaPrepare","AlphaSlumber"))]
(else-if:((_v's "type") matches (p:"A",digit)) or (_v's "loot" is 0) or (_v's "fort" >= 3))[(display:"AlphaHunt")]
($l2:"after re-surveying its hunting grounds, %s decided it had no more use for its current lair, not so much for lack of sustenance but for opportunities to build up a hoard. The beast decided to look for another, more suitable location where it could reach settlements or other places to collect treasure from. After that year, the creature was unheard of for some time as it covertly sought a new place to settle.",_n)
(set: (1st of $groups)'s "state" to "F")
(set:_x to (random:2,$w-2),_y to (random:2,$h-2))(set:_m to _x+$w*_y)
(set:_d to (cond:
(if:_f's length is 0)[
(if:_f's length is 0 or _m of $map is in "LOR")[
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
($l2:"rumors abounded of %s sightings in the %s parts of the continent. Yet beyond occasional tracks or a wild animal kill, the beast did not seem inclined to linger in one place. It was seeking a new lair, one where it could both hide and also have prey to feed and grow its strength and its hoard alike.",(split:" the ",_n)'s 2nd,_d)
](else-if:(_v's "type")'s 1st is "A")[
($l2:"%s scoured the skies above the %s parts of the continent. The beast's keen senses alerted it to the existence of another great beast's lair, which it could potentially claim for itself. Greed compelled %s to set up a hideout nearby, with the mind of attacking and seeing if %s has a hoard to plunder.",_n,_d,(split:" the ",_n)'s 1st,_v's "name")
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"x",_x,"y",_y,"loc",_m))(display:"GainE")
($l2:"%s scoured the skies above the %s parts of the continent. The beast's keen senses alerted it to the existence of this potential source of wealth and danger, and it decided to make this land its new home, settling in the vicinity of the %s with the mind of taking some treasure from there.",_n,_d,_v's "name")
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"x",_x,"y",_y,"loc",_m))(display:"GainE")
](else-if:_v's "type" is _g's "type")[
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "built" to "E",(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
($l2:"%s, after searching for a new place to live, attemted to settle in what it thought to be an abandoned lair, yet found it already occupied by another %s, %s. After a brief encounter, the unexpected visitor left once again into the wilderness, though not before leaving its new mating partner with a clutch of eggs to raise young from.",_n,2nd of (split:" the ",_n),1st of (split:" the ",_v's "name"))
](else-if:_v's "type"'s 1st is "A")[
($l2:"%s's territory was encroached on by another great beast. %s swooped down to the lair, roaring a challenge for %s to come out and fight for dominion of this land. The two battled, and after an epic clash, ",
_v's "name", _n, 1st of (split:" the ",_v's "name"))
(if:_v's "edge">0)[
($l2:"%s emerged victorious, feasting on the remains of its foe and taking trophies from said foe's possessions stored nearby in a temporary den, to add to its own hoard.",(split:" the ",_v's "name")'s 1st)
(display:"KillE")(display:"GiveLL")(display:"LoseP")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "kills" to it+1)
($l2:"%s was defeated, driven out of its lair then chased down and killed, its hoard and lair now belonging to the aggressive intruder.",(split:" the ",_v's "name")'s 1st)
(display:"KillP")(display:"TakeLL")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "kills" to it+1)
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"x",_x,"y",_y,"loc",_m))(display:"GainE")
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
($l2:"rumors abounded of %s sightings in the %s part of the continent, by people from the %s. Yet it seemed disinclined to attack at this time, nor stay in the area for long. Unbeknownst to them, the beast was seeking for a place to establish a new lair, for which a place so close to their presence would hardly be suitable.",(split:" the ",_n)'s 2nd,_d,_v's "name")
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D")
($l2:"%s took to the skies in search of its next conquest. ",_n)
(if: (_v's "type")'s 1st is "A")[
($l2:"Soon enough, it felt the presence of another great beast. A %s, encroaching on its territory! The %s swooped down to face this new threat, roaring a challenge for %s to come out and fight for dominion of this land. The two battled, and after an epic clash, ",
2nd of (split:" the ",_v's "name"),
2nd of (split:" the ",_n),
1st of (split:" the ",_v's "name"))
(if:_v's "edge">0)[
($l2:"%s was driven back, injured and with its foe in pursuit. As it left %s's domain, %s took refuge in its lair to regain strength and plot its revenge.",(split:" the ",_n)'s 1st,(split:" the ",_v's "name")'s 1st,(split:" the ",_n)'s 1st)
(display:"KillE")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
($l2:"%s emerged victorious, feasting on the remains of its foe and taking trophies from said foe's lair for its own hoard.",(split:" the ",_n)'s 1st)
(display:"KillP")(display:"TakeLL")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "kills" to it+1)
($l2:"On a journey to slake its thirst for treasure and blood, the creature eventually set upon a span of land taken by the %s. ",_v's "name")
(if:_v's type is in (a:"BK","CK","LK","RK"))[(set:_f to (either:0,0,...($tiles1:_v's "loc","F")))](else:)[(set:_f to 0)]
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")
($l2:"The beast attacked one of the kingdom's outlying farms, killing many of its inhabitants and savaging the buildings to rubble in its search for valuables to hoard away.")
(set:$map's _f to (lowercase:it))
](else-if:_v's "fort">=3 and _v's "edge">0)[
($l2:"Yet as it descended on the settlement, the people were already prepared; %s's attack was met with a hail of fire from archers and ballistae, wounding the beast and forcing it to flee to its lair.",(split:" the ",_n)'s 1st)
(display:"KillE")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
(display:"KillP")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "kills" to it+(random:9,15))
(if:_v's "type" is in (ds:"G1","G2","G3","G4"))[
($l2:"Descending on the %s shepherds and their animals swiftly and without warning, it %s %s.",
(cond:_v's "pop">0,"scattered the herd while chasing down and carrying off a few of the",
"slaughtered the small group entirely before chasing down and carrying off their"),
(num:2nd of _v's "type") of (a:"reindeer","horses","camels","goats"))
($l2:"Descending on the %s %s swiftly and without warning to cause death and destruction, it took many lives that day before returning to its lair, the %s.",
(cond:_v's "type" is "CW","warriors","dwellers"),
(cond:_v's "pop"<=0,"area "+(either:"completely demolished by its wrath","reduced to a devastated ruin"),
"survivors left to tend to the aftermath of the carnage"))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(set:_v to _t of $groups)
($l2:"%s descended upon the %s, demanding tribute in exchange for not devouring its denizens. ",_n,_v's "name")
(if: _s > 2)[
(set:_w to (cond:_s > 4 and _v's "loot" >= 2,"great","modest"))
(if:_w is "great")[(display:"Take2L")](else:)[(display:"TakeL")](set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
($l2:"The %s's terrifying presence shook the people of the %s to their core. The beast's greed was momentarily abated by the %s gifts offered, and after collecting the tribute it spared the place its wrath and left for its lair.",2nd of (split:" the ",_n),_v's "name",_w)
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "pact" to it+(str-repeated:4,1st of (_v's "type")))
($l2:"In response to that, a group of warriors challenged the beast to an open battle. %s attacked them at once, ",1st of (split:" the ",_n))
(if:_v's "edge">0)[
(display:"KillE")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
($l2:"but they lured it into a narrow area where it could not get at them, then struck at it all at once, until it eventually broke off and flew away to its lair, vowing revenge.")
(display:"KillP")(set:(1st of $groups)'s "kills" to it+(random:9,15))
($l2:"slaying many of them, and yet their courage bought time for others to escape and also save the %s's most prized treasures, letting the beast no worthy trophies for its hoard.",_v's "name")
(set: (1st of $groups)'s "fort" to 1)
($l2:"%s spent several days digging an additional burrow in its den, where it stored its precious belongings and placed wards against any thieves foolish enough to brave its lair. There, among treasures and past loot, it spent the following months in hiding, occasionally emerging to hunt, but mostly pondering ways of increasing its hoard.",_n)
($l2:"%s meticulously scouted the lay of the land within a flight's distance from its lair, its predatory eyes noting every detail like outcrops, people's dwellings, or possible ambush sites. Never able to sate its primordial greed, the mythic beast was always planning to acquire more treasures, whether that be by force, through extortion or looting what's abandoned.",_n)
(if:(random:1) is 0)[
($l2:"%s awakened from its slumber, leaving its den to survey its territory for new prey and settlements to terrorize. Yet within a day's flight from its home ground, it found little that piqued its interest any more than an animal or two to devour. Eventually, unleashing a mighty a roar into the sky to remind the world of its existence, the beast returned to its den to hibernate.",_n)
($l2:"%s was growing restless. It had searched the lands around its lair, looking for prey, but found nothing worth its attention. After sating its hunger by hunting wild animals, the beast retreated to its lair to seal the entrance and settle down for another season of dormancy. Silence returned to the land, but the creature's presence still was felt to any who dared wander near.",_n)
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "turn" to it+(random:12,18))
(set: _b to true, _f to ($tiles1:_m,"Ff")+(cond:"B" is in _u,(a:_m),(a:)))
(if: _g's "next" < _g's "turn")[
(set:_b to false)
](else-if: _u contains "H")[
(set:_b to true, (1st of $groups)'s "built" to (it-"H")+" ")
$dev[<br>Skipping shortage check b/c had a shortage OR good harvest last turn.]
(display: "PossibleShortage")
(if:(_p<_f's length+2))[(display:"GainP")]
(unless:_p<4 or ((random:_e+1) is 0))[
(set:_q to ($tilesG:_m,"AaBbCcDdGgHhJjMmSsTtUuWwXx0123456789"))
(if:_q is not (a:))[
(set:_b to false, _q to (either:..._q))
(set:_i to _q%$w,_j to (floor:_q/$w))
(if:_t is 1 or ((_v's "type") is "CW") or (_a contains (_v's "type")'s 1st))[(display:"ChaoticDomesticAffairs")]
(else-if:(_v's "type") matches (p:"A",digit))[(display:(cond:($isGreedy:_h) or ($isTough:_h),"RoutAlpha","BribeAlpha"))]
(else-if:(_v's "type") matches (p:"G",digit))[(display:(cond:_p<=1,"ChaoticDomesticAffairs","InteractWithNomads"))]
(else-if:(_v's "type") is "NT")[(display:"InteractWithNeutral")]
(else-if:(_v's "type") is "CT")[(display:"InteractWithAligned")]
(display: "Lose2P")
(set:_i to _i-_x,_j to _j-_y,_t to length of $groups,_v to $groups's last,(last of $groups)'s "pact" to _g's "pact")
(set:_d to (cond:_j<=-2,"north",_j>=2,"south","")+(cond:_i<=-2,"west",_i>=2,"east",""))
(if:_e is 0)[
($l2:"after weeks of preparation, the %s %s a warband of %s fighters to embark on a raid. Under command of a promising new leader %s, fully armed, armored and eager for glory, they set out into the %sern lands to scout and find rich settlements to plunder.",
_v's "lord",_d)
($l2:"a warband hailing from the %s, set out on a long journey %s where they hoped to find settlements to raid. This warband's leader was the experienced %s, known for %s %s.",
_n,_d,(last of $groups)'s "lord",($hisher:(last of $groups)'s "lord"),
(either:"ruthlessness and greed, but also cunning tactics in battle",
"relentless ambition within the kingdom's court",
"collection of trophy skulls, each taken from a rival in a duel",
"extensive travels across the continent in the past years",
"heavy hand, thundering voice and prowess on the battlefield",
"knowledge of animals and ways of the wilderness",
"zealous devotion to the god of battle over anything else",
"status as one of the "+($royal:_h)+"'s most trusted followers",
"most bitter rivalry with "+_h))
(set:_z to ($tiles1:_m,"ABFJLMORSUWabjw"+(cond:_e>0,"I","")+(cond:"J" is in _u,"123456789","")))
(if:"P" is in _u)[(set:_z to _z+($tiles2:_m,"ABJLORSUW"+(cond:"J" is in _u,"123456789","")))]
($l2:" "+(either:"Later that year","In the same year","As the year went on","Early next season","Soon after this")+", ")
(set:_f to (ds:))
(unless:"B" is in _u)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Distillery"))]
(unless:"J" is in _u or ($tiles2:_m,"123456789") is (a:))[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"JunkShop"))]
(unless:_p<3)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"TribalArena"))]
(unless:"S" is in _u or _p<3)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"SlavePits"))]
(unless:"M" is in _u or _p<3)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Menagerie"))]
(unless:"P" is in _u or _p<3 or _e<1)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"MuleBreeders"))]
(if:_f's length>0)[(display:(either:..._f))]
(else:)[(display: "ChaoticMiscBuild")]
" a stranger arrived to the %s carrying a bottled concoction of strong burning taste. The stranger claimed to be a master distiller, capable of crafting this potent alcohol from raw plants, and asked permission to settle.",
" following an innovation by an alcohol brewer seeking to fortify their product, the dwellers of %s built a distillery to both supply strong drink to the taverns and make remedies for medicinal use."),
(display: "GainP")(display: "GainL")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it+"B")
($l2:" a tinkering shop was opened in the %s's main settlement, with the owner having a particular eye for repurposing scavenged junk or processing it into useful metal.",_n)
(display: "GainL")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "J")
(if: _u contains "T")[
($l2:" a minor competition was held at the royal fighting arena in the proving grounds, sanctioned by the %s %sself along a festival dedicated to the god of battle.",_h,($himher:_h))
($l2:" fierce martial games were held between established families in the tribe, with some warriors taking advantage of this to eliminate rivals while others acquired scars and experience.")
(display: "LoseP")(display: "GainE")
($l2:" elaborate proving grounds were established in the %s by the crown's personal commission, for warriors to prove themselves against dangerous beasts, perform duels to settle grievances or as competition.",_n)
(set:("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it+"T")
($l2:" %s, of %s, seeking to bolster the workforce, decreed that any thralls taken in future raids were to become the Kingdom's property instead of a household's, with a reward offered to warband leaders who bring any.",_h,($ename:_n))
(display: "GainL")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "S")
($l2:" a beastmaster took residence in the %s, bringing along %s craft at taming various beasts of the land, and organized a menagerie that could put captured monsters to work.",
(set:("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it+"M")
($l2:" the %s expanded its already not-insignificant pastures, with intent to breed pack animals such as mules. In time, this would greatly expand the reach of %s expeditions from the kingdom.",
_n,(either:"resource-gathering","hunting and foraging"))
(display:"LoseE")(set:("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it+"P")
(set:_s to (random:3))
(if:_s is 1)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"%s took residence in the kingdom, settling down to practice %s craft under protection of the warriors guilds.", (either:"an old explorer and mapmaker","a master weaponsmith","a renowned poet and bard", "a fletcher and crossbow-maker", "self-professed mystic"), (either:"his","her"))
](else-if:_s is 2)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"a new fighting school was built, with a local blademaster training young blood in the art of personal combat and battle tactics alike.")
](else-if:_s is 3)[
(display:"GainL")($l2:"a new counting house was established to better keep track of taxes and establishments in the settlement, and ensure the treasury stays full even in the absense of lucrative raiding or external tribute.")
(display:"GainL")($l2:"a new trophy hall was opened to house the skulls of those slain in duels, and hides of lesser creatures hunted in the wilderness, with a shrine to the god of battle and a warrior-priest to make regular animal sacrifices.")
(if:(_e is 0) or (_p is 1))[
(if:_t is 1)[
(set:_z to ($tiles2:_m,"TX123456789"))
(if:_z's length > 0)[
(set:_q to (either: ..._z))
(set:_i to _x-(_q%$w),_j to _y-(floor:_q/$w),_k to $map's _q)
(set:_d to (cond:_j>0,"north",_j<0,"south","")+(cond:_i>0,"west",_i<0,"east",""))
($l2:"not finding a suitably rich target for a raid, %s's troops plundered some intact %s %s their camp. While not quite as glorious as trophies taken in battle, loot was still loot, and that was the warband's main purpose.",_h,($terr:_q of $map), (cond:_d is "","around","to the "+_d+" of"))
(if:$map's _q is "T")[(set:$map's _q to (lowercase:it))]
(else:)[(set:$map's _q to (str:(num:it)-1))]
](else-if:_v's "type" is in (ds:"BK","LK","RK"))[
(set:_f to (either:0,0,...($tiles1:_v's "loc","F")))
(set:_s to (random:1,6),(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T",_i to _f%$w-_x,_j to (floor:_f/$w)-_y)
($l2:"raiders from %s's warband razed one of %s's outlying farms, after thoroughly pillaging it. ",_h,_v's "name")
(if:_s is 1)[
($l2:"They took several of the dwellers captive, but on their way back to the camp were %s by local militia and had to fight their way past in a skirmish—abandoning their newly-taken prisoners though still carrying the loot.",(either:"pursued","ambushed","beset"))
](else-if:_s is 2)[
($l2:"They were, however, unlucky to run into a farm belonging to a veteran warrior who with a few more made a bid to defend %s home while families escaped. The raiders still got some loot, but no prisoners that day.",(either:"his","her"))
($l2:"The few defenders to stand up to the raid were quickly %s in a short and brutal battle, leaving the place completely devastated and all the spoils in the hands of the victors, including several inhabitants taken alive.",(either:"slaughtered","wiped out","massacred"))
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to "P")
(set:$map's _f to (lowercase:it))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6)-(cond:(_t of $groups)'s "fort">=3,2,0))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and (_t of $groups)'s "edge">0)[(set:_s to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e>0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
($l2:"raiders from %s's warband descended upon the %s under the cover of night. ",_h,(cond:_v's "fort">=3,"walls of ","")+(_v's "name"))
(if:_s > 4)[
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to "P",
(_t of $groups)'s "pop" to it-1,
(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")
(if:(_t of $groups)'s "pop" is 0)[
($l2:"The few defenders to stand up to the raid were quickly %s in a short and brutal battle, leaving the place completely devastated and all the spoils in the hands of the victors, including several captives.",(either:"slaughtered","wiped out","massacred"))
($l2:"The attack was swift and deadly, taking defenders by surprise and killing many of them. The enemy's response was too sluggish to prevent raiders making off with loot and captives.")
](else-if:_p is 1)[
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "pop" to 0)
($l2:"But on their way towards the stores to plunder, they were cornered by a vigilant defending force and %s with their backs to the walls as the fight turned into a chaotic bloodbath.",(either:"slaughtered","wiped out","massacred"))
](else-if:_s > 2)[
($l2:"Although taken by surprise, the defenders put up a fierce resistance, with the raiders barely evading capture and leaving many of their own killed, but still being able to steal what they could before leaving.")
($l2:"But on their way towards the stores to plunder, they were cornered by a vigilant defending force into a fight that quickly turned into a chaotic bloodbath. Only a few raiders were able to escape.")
(if:_t is 1)[
($l2:"%s and %s warriors seemingly went missing as by that time they haven't been heard of for a while. Rumors were never certain on whether they fell prey to an unknown beast, were killed in a failed raid, or disbanded after their parent kingdom was gone.",_h,($hisher:_h))
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"pop",0,"loot",0,"edge",0,"state","F"))
($l2:"%s's warband, %s, finally set foot for their home %s, ",_h,(cond:_p is 1,"reduced to a few survivors","after a long time abroad"),(lowerfirst:_v's "name"))
(if:(_u is "P") and (_v's "built" contains "S"))[
($l2:"bringing back %s loot and captives to be made into thralls. With rumors of wealth and glory to be found in distant lands, more warriors flocked under the kingdom's banner.",(cond:_l<=1,"some","plenty of"))
($l2:"carrying with them a %s %s of loot. With rumors of wealth and glory to be found in distant lands, more warriors flocked under the kingdom's banner.",
($l2:"empty-handed and %s its leader's poor choices. Such an outcome caused a major hit to %s's prestige, and the %s's own as well, leading to whispers about the god of battle's disfavor.",
(either:"disgruntled with","resentful of","embittered by"),
2nd of (words:_h),
($royal:_v's "lord")
(set:_q to ($tilesG:_m,"AaBbCcDdGgHhJjMmSsTtUuWwXx0123456789"))
(if:_q is not (a:))[
(set:_q to (either:..._q))
(set:_i to _q%$w,_j to (floor:_q/$w))
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "x" to _i,(_t of $groups)'s "y" to _j,(_t of $groups)'s "loc" to _i+$w*_j)
(set:_i to _i-_x,_j to _j-_y)
(set:_d to (cond:_j<=-2,"north",_j>=2,"south","")+(cond:_i<=-2,"west",_i>=2,"east",""))
($l2:"%s's warband, finding little in the way of settlements to raid, decided to relocate %s, in search of better raiding grounds. %s, as the warband was on the march towards its new destination.",_h,_d,(cond:_e>0,"Morale was still high, and there was much talk of plunder and glory to be had","Their fighting spirit was starting to wane and the mood was restless"))
(set: $w to $s * 10 + 1, $h to $s * 7 + 1, _a to 0, _t to 0, _z to 0, _r to 0, _x0 to 0, _y0 to 0, _xr1 to 0, _yr1 to 0, _xr2 to 0, _yr2 to 0, _xr3 to 0, _yr3 to 0, _xv1 to 0, _yv1 to 0, _xv2 to 0, _yv2 to 0, _xv3 to 0, _yv3 to 0)
(set: _map to
(str-repeated: $w, "#") +
(str-repeated: $w - 1, "I") + "#" +
(str-repeated: $s, "I" + (str-repeated: $w - 3, "X") + "I#") +
(str-repeated: $h - 3 - $s, "O" + (str-repeated: $w - 3, "X") + "O#") +
(str-repeated: $w - 1, "O") + "#" +
(str-repeated: $w, "#")
(set: _r to (shuffled: "arud", "asen", "amal", "ber", "bhul", "cael", "canto", "dori", "dhi", "durh", "eld", "esta", "fel", "ghal", "hye", "hram", "imd", "ixla", "jeon", "jir", "kha", "kul", "kal", "lana", "lem", "las", "mael", "mar", "mir", "nar", "nix", "olb", "pel", "qhi", "rash", "res", "soel", "soth", "thul", "uekh", "vel", "wyn", "xug", "yla", "zoel"))
(set: $worldname to (upperfirst:_r's 1st)+(cond:(random:1) is 0," "+(upperfirst:_r's 2nd)+_r's 3rd, _r's 2nd+" "+(upperfirst:_r's 3rd)), $age to "Age of Creation")
(if: $s is 1)[
(set: _x0 to (a:(random:16,94)/10)+
_y0 to (a:(random:36,44)/10,
(set: _xr1 to (random:3,8), _yr1 to 2,
_xr2 to 0, _yr2 to $h, _xr3 to 0, _yr3 to $h,
_xv1 to (round: 1st of _x0), _yv1 to (ceil: 1st of _y0),
_xv2 to (round: 1st of _x0), _yv2 to (ceil: 1st of _y0),
_xv3 to (round: 1st of _x0), _yv3 to (ceil: 1st of _y0),
_a to "M"+(either: "BBSHA", "BSWWH", "BHAAJ"))
(else-if: $s is 2)
(set: _x0 to (a:(either:2,19),(random:20,190)/10,(random:20,190)/10)+
_y0 to (a:1,14,14,
), _b to (either: 8, 12))
(set: _xr1 to (round: 4th of _x0), _yr1 to (ceil: 4th of _y0),
_xr2 to 0, _yr2 to $h, _xr3 to 0, _yr3 to $h,
_xv1 to (round: 8th of _x0), _yv1 to (round: 8th of _y0),
_xv2 to (round: 8th of _x0), _yv2 to (round: 8th of _y0),
_xv3 to (round: (_b) of _x0), _yv3 to (floor: (_b) of _y0),
(else-if: $s is 3)
(set: _x0 to (a:2,29,2,29,(random:20,290)/10)+
_y0 to (a:1,1,(random:50,210)/10,(random:50,210)/10,21,
), _b to (either: 16, 17))
(set: _xr1 to (round: 6th of _x0), _yr1 to (ceil: 6th of _y0),
_xr2 to (ceil: 3rd of _x0), _yr2 to (round: 3rd of _y0),
_xr3 to (floor: 4th of _x0), _yr3 to (round: 4th of _y0),
_xv1 to (round: 11th of _x0), _yv1 to (round: 11th of _y0),
_xv2 to (round: 16th of _x0), _yv2 to (round: 16th of _y0),
_xv3 to (round: (_b) of _x0), _yv3 to (round: (_b) of _y0),
(else-if: $s is 4)
(set: _x0 to (a:2,39,2,39,(random:20,390)/10)+
_y0 to (a:1,1,(random:35,140)/5,(random:35,140)/5,28,
), _b to (either: 7, 24, 30))
(set: _xr1 to (round: 6th of _x0), _yr1 to (ceil: 6th of _y0),
_xr2 to (ceil: 3rd of _x0), _yr2 to (round: 3rd of _y0),
_xr3 to (floor: 4th of _x0), _yr3 to (round: 4th of _y0),
_xv1 to (round: 12th of _x0), _yv1 to (round: 12th of _y0),
_xv2 to (round: 18th of _x0), _yv2 to (round: 18th of _y0),
_xv3 to (round: (_b) of _x0), _yv3 to (max:2,(min:27,_b of _y0)),
(set: $map to (str-repeated: $w, "#")+(str-repeated: $w-1, "I")+"#")
(for: each _y, ...(range: 2, $h-2))[
(set: _yd to (altered: via (pow:it-_y,2),..._y0), $map to it+(cond:_y<$s+2,"I","O"))
(for: each _x, ...(range: 2, $w-2))[
(set: _xd to (altered: via (pow:it-_x,2),..._x0))
(set: $map to it + _a's (1st of (sorted: via _xd's (it) + _yd's (it),...(range:1,_a's length))))
(set: $map to it+(cond:_y<$s+2,"I#","O#"))
(set: $map to it + (str-repeated: $w-1, "O") + (str-repeated: $w+1, "#"))
(set: (_xv1+$w*_yv1) of $map to "V", (_xv2+$w*_yv2) of $map to "V", (_xv3+$w*_yv3) of $map to "V")
(set: _m to _xr1+$w*_yr1, _b to true)
(set: _p to (folded: _i making _z via _z+_i,(a:$w,$w),...(shuffled:...(repeated:$s+1,(a:$w,$w,1)),...(repeated: $s+3,(a:$w,$w,-1)))))
(for: each _i, ..._p)[
_b[(set: $map's _m to "R")(set: _b to (none-pass: where it is in "O#", $map's (_m-1), $map's (_m+1), $map's (_m+$w)), _m to _m + _i)]
(if: _yr2 < $h-6 and _xr1 > $w-_xr1)[
(set: _m to _xr2+$w*_yr2, _b to true)
(set: _p to (folded: _i making _z via _z+_i,(a:1,1,1),...(shuffled:...(repeated:$s+1,(a:$w,1,1,1)), ...(repeated: $s+3,(a:-$w,1,1,1)))))
(for: each _i, ..._p)[
_b[(set: $map's _m to (cond: $map's _m is "O", "O", "R"))(set: _b to ($map's (_m+1) is not in "R#"), _m to _m+_i)]
(else-if: _yr3 < $h-6 and _xr1 < 3*$w/4)[
(set: _m to _xr3+$w*_yr3, _b to true)
(set: _p to (folded: _i making _z via _z+_i,(a:-1,-1,-1),...(shuffled:...(repeated:$s+1,(a:$w,-1,-1,-1)), ...(repeated:$s+3,(a:-$w,-1,-1,-1)))))
(for: each _i, ..._p)[
_b[(set: $map's _m to (cond: $map's _m is "O", "O", "R"))(set: _b to ($map's (_m-1) is not in "R#"), _m to _m+_i)]
(set: _c to (nth: $s,7,8,7,11))
(set: $map to (folded: _m making _d via _d + (cond:(_m is not in "ILROV#")
and (pos % _c is 0), (either:"C",...(repeated:6,"0"),...(repeated:3*($s-1), _m)), _m),
(if:(count:$map,"0") is 0)[
(set: _k to (nth: $s,7,16,42,66))
(set: $map to (folded: _m making _d via _d + (cond:(_m is not in "ILROV#")
and (pos % _k is 0), "0", _m),
(go-to: "Worldgen1")
|logbox>[|links>[(link-goto:"Options") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")(link-undo: "Rewind") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")[[Continue->Worldgen2]]]]
|mapbox>[ ]
(display: "Myth1" + (either: "A", "B", "C", "D"))
(display: "Myth2" + (either: "A", "B", "C", "D"))
(set: _tt to "<div class='tooltip' id='T0'>"+$worldname+"<br>"+$age+"<br>Time before history</div>")
(set: $pantheon to (shuffled: "artistry", "battle", "craftsmen", "death", "harvest", "intrigue", "justice", "knowledge", "medicine", "nature", "storms", "wealth"))
(set: _b to (folded: _i making _g via _g + (a: _i + (either: ...((a: "blaze", "blight", "brood", "brute", "claw", "devil", "fiend", "flame", "haunt", "hunger", "maw", "lurk", "slash", "spike", "tail", "talon", "terror", "thorn", "wing", "wraith", "wyrm") - (a: (lowerfirst: _i))))), (a:), ...(shuffled: "Abyss", "Acrid", "Aural", "Blight", "Blood", "Bitter", "Claw", "Crest", "Crimson", "Dark", "Doom", "Dread", "Dusk", "Elder", "Ember", "Evil", "Fell", "Flame", "Gale", "Grim", "Hawk", "Hell", "Hex", "Hollow", "Horrid", "Icy", "Iron", "Mist", "Nether", "Night", "Onyx", "Quick", "Rock", "Swift", "Skull", "Torrid", "Umbral", "Venom", "Vicious", "Vile", "Wyrd", "Yellow")))
(set: $groups to (a:), _d to (find: _g where _g is a number, ...(altered: via pos where it is in "C0", ...$map)))
(set: $groups to (folded: _i making _g via _g +
(a: (dm: "turn", (random: 1,18), "loc", _i, "x", _i % $w, "y", (floor: (_i)/$w), "type", (either:"A1","A2","A3","A4"), "name", "unknown", "arts", (a:), "pop", 1, "loot", 0, "edge", 0, "fort", 0, "pact", " ", "built", " ", "state", " ", "lord", "unknown", "kills", 0))
where _i of $map is "C", (a:), ..._d)
(set: $groups to it+(folded: _i making _g via _g +
(a: (dm: "turn", (random:1,91), "loc", _i, "x", _i % $w, "y", (floor: (_i)/$w), "type", "NT", "name", ($gname:)+" Tribe", "arts", (a:), "pop", 2, "loot", 1, "edge", 0, "fort", 0, "pact", " ", "built", " ", "state", " ", "lord", "Chieftain "+($pname:), "kills", 0))
where _i of $map is "0",(a:),..._d)
(set: $groups to (altered: _i via _i + (dm: "lord", (pos) of _b, "name", ((pos) of _b)+" the "+(nth: (num: (_i's "type")'s 2nd), "manticore","dire griffon","fiendish drake","winged serpent")) where (_i's "type")'s 1st is "A", ...$groups))
(set: _r to $groups's 1st)
(set: _q to (find: _i where (_i's "type" is not _r's "type") and (_i's "type" is not "NT"), ...$groups))
(if: _r's "type" is "NT")[
($l2:" Luckily, the most terrible of those beasts slumbered in snowy mountains and undiscovered caves, all but forgotten by the world.")
](else-if: _q's length is 0)[
($l2:" The most prominent of those beasts was "+_r's "name"+", one of particular avarice and cruelty in addition to its sheer size.")
($l2:" Among those beasts were "+_r's "name"+", "+(_q's 1st)'s "name"+", and perhaps others as time would show.")
(display: "ShowMap")
}($l2:"The world of **%s** was born out of strife. The ocean gave life to leviathans, seven in number, of whom each sought to end the other six. Yet when only one remained, such was the enormity of its wounds that it would not see another dawn. From its last breath, spirits were born that would give life to men and beasts alike, and its body became the ground upon which they'd tread, free from the chaos of the sea. Now it was only a matter of time.", $worldname)($l2:"Long before men and beasts walked the land, before earth itself was a thing, came the Age of Creation. The Ocean-Mother's waters thawed ever so slowly, yet the fiery breath of Sky-Father was persistent. Violent was their clash, "+(either: "and out of it, the world as we know it would arise: the land of **%s**, both birthchild of two primordial forces and that which forever separates them.", "but it also drained their strength, quelling the storms for long enough that creatures and plants could begin to thrive on this newly-formed land: **%s**."), $worldname)($l2:"Forged by divine will out of light and shadow, the world of **%s** was a place of calm. When the sun shone down on the earth for the first time, the earth looked brown and gray, the sky blue, and water, thawed from the primordial frost, washed the shores of a pristine continent. Beautiful as it was, it yet lacked life, so the creator wove the idea of life into the fabric of reality, that forces of nature would conspire for it to appear.", $worldname)($l2:"**%s**. Nobody knows the true roots of that name, nor its original meaning. The world that bears the name is a %s expanse of wild lands, from glaciers and wintry winds of the north to the warm seashores in the south. Not much more is known about how it came to be, except that it was once barren and lifeless, and then, an unknown time later, there were plants and animals and gods and those who believed in them, and life started.", $worldname, (cond: $s is 1, "modest", "wide"))($l2:'<hr>Millennia are as mere moments on the cosmic scale. One could say that "soon" after this initial impetus the land was rife with trees and grasses and teeming wildlife, and tribes of first people populated the area alongside other, far deadlier creatures.')($l2:"<hr>The scale of the time that had to pass for this to happen is unfathomable, but we know it was then that the first tribes of men learned to tame fire, craft tools, build homes, and contend with ancient beasts ever so more powerful than themselves.")($l2:"<hr>During much of the Age after the world sprang into existence, creation carried on. New powerful beings continuously emerged, fought each other, morphed and adapted, presenting an ever-looming threat to those few first mortals to inhabit this land.")($l2:"<hr>It was a slow process from there, at least from the perspective of a mortal being. Still, things evolved through generations of strife and struggle for survival, and first people on the continent were never safe from beasts above them on the food chain."){
|logbox>[ |links>[(link-goto:"Options") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")(link-undo: "Rewind") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")[[Continue->GameLoop]] ] ]
|mapbox>[ ]
(display: "Cleanup")
(set: _f to 0, _t to 0, _v to 0,
_tt to "<div class='tooltip' id='T0'>"+$worldname+"<br>"+$age+"<br>Time before history</div>")
(display: "PickAnyOnMap")
(set: _x to _v's "x", _y to _v's "y", _m to _v's "loc", _r to 0)
(if: _v's "type" is "NT")[
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "pop" to it+2, (_t of $groups)'s "loot" to it+1)
(if:($tiles2:_v's "loc","O") is not (a:))[
(display: "Legend1A")
(display: "Legend1B")
(if: (_v's type is in (a:"A1","A2")))[(display: "Legend1C")](else:)[(display: "Legend1D")]
(set: _g to length of $groups)(for: each _i, ...(range:1,3+3*$s))[
(set:_x to (random:2,$w-2),_y to (random:2,$h-2))(set:_m to _x+$w*_y)
(if:($map's _m is in "ABDGHJMSUW") and (($tiles1:_m,"0C") is (a:)))[
(set:($map's _m) to "0")
(set: _g to (length of $groups)-_g)
($l2:"<hr>Elsewhere, more tribes fought hard against the wilderness, ")
(if: _g is 0)[
($l2:"but despite all the resilience shown, the great beasts of the land and primordial forces were not so quick to fade into oblivion. Still, mankind's grasp on the land had strengthened, even if no new territories were tamed. And it is when men began to work metal and discovered the secrets of bronze and iron that the world truly felt on the cusp of a new age.")
($l2:"some growing and spreading and some approaching extinction. Still, overall their grasp on the land strengthened. Men and women poured forth to tame new territories, with at least %s new tribe%s appearing on the map over the span of mere generations. They began to work metal and discovered the secrets of bronze and iron.",($num:_g),(cond:_g is 1,"","s"))
(display: "ShowMap")
(set:_r to (either:"Aerdix","Corantha","Evandra","Ildwari","Kairon","Jerridi","Lanthu","Lorrem","Merayu","Numinus","Oolgair","Raethra","Staphro","Sybral","Taelra","Umahla","Vaarnim","Yendor"))
(set:$worldname to it+", "+_r+"'s "+(either:"Gateway","Refuge","Roadstead","Sanctuary","Sanctum","Shores"))
($l1:"At an unknown time later in the Age, a boat arrived upon the %sern shores, carrying refugees from an untold calamity overseas. Their leader, %s, bargained with a nearby tribe for acceptance, sharing in return %s people's seafaring knowledge. As generations went by, the story became a distant folk memory and then was forgotten in all but the land's full name: **%s**.",(cond:_y>2*$h/3,"south",_x<$w/3,"west",_x>2*$w/3,"east", ""),_r,($hisher:_r),$worldname)
(set: $worldname to it+", the "+(either:"Blessed","Cerulean","Radiant","Sanguine","Telluric","Tempests'")+" "+(either:"Arcadia","Domain","Expanse","Nexus","Reach"))(set: _r to _v's "lord")
($l1:"One tribe had a chieftain named %s, who knew the land like the back of %s hand, and is said to have %s. Under %s's %s the tribe %s, and for much of the period stood %sest among its kin. %s's people worshipped the sky and earth, and it is small wonder that the land's full name—**%s**—comes from their spoken lore.",
last of (words:_r),($hisher:_r),(either: "first used an auroch's horn to make a bow", "had an uncanny ability to tame animals", "great skill in positioning a group hunt"),_r,(either:"guidance","leadership","wise rule"),(either:"prospered","flourished","thrived","fared well"),(either:"strong","great"),last of (words:_r),$worldname)
(set: _r to (either:"Ancients' Breadth","Ancients' Domain","Ancients' Crossroads","Ancients' Oecumen","Realm of Ancients"))
(set: $worldname to it+", "+_r,_c to (random:3,10))
($l1:"Stories speak of %s of the First Tribe, who travelled the land's entirety and gave things their names. Though in the end they %s %s, their legend persisted so much that the words \"%s\" became a synonym for unknown lands, and later, simply for the wide world beyond one's home. Which is how the continent got its full name, **%s**.",($num:_c),(either: "perished at the jaws of", "met their doom in the lair of", "were ultimately slain by"),_v's "name",_r,$worldname)
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "kills" to it+_c)
(set: $worldname to it+", "+(either:"Dragonheart Land","Dragonwing Ranges","Dragoncrest Wilds","Dragontooth Peaks","Dragoncliff Realm"))
(set: _r to ($pname:))(unpack: _v's "name" into (p:str-type _k," the ",str-type _q))(display: "KillP")
($l1:"An early legend tells about a hunt%s named %s, who defeated %s by luring the beast into an ingenious trap. Re-tellings by different tribes all claim different tricks used by the hero, but most agree that %s took the beast's hide to turn into armor. Although %s was only a %s, rumors of true draconic wyrms in the mountains gave rise to the land's name as **%s**.",($erress:_r),_r,_v's "name",_r,_k,_q,$worldname)
|logbox>[ |links>[(link-goto:"Options") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")(link-undo: "Rewind") | (t8n-arrive: "instant")[[Continue->GameLoop]] ] ]
|mapbox>[ ]
(set: _b to false,_f to 0,_i to 0,_j to 0,_r to 0,_k to 0,_o to 0,_q to 0,_s to 0,_t to 0,_v to 0,_z to 0,
_g to (1st of $groups),
_tt to "<div class='tooltip' id='T0'>"+$worldname+"<br>"+$age+"<br>Year "+(str:(ceil:(1st of $groups)'s "turn"/3))+"</div>")
(set: _m to (_g's "loc"), _x to _g's "x", _y to _g's "y", _p to _g's "pop", _l to _g's "loot", _e to _g's "edge", _n to _g's "name", _h to _g's "lord", _u to _g's "built", _a to _g's "pact")
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "state" to "A",
(1st of $groups)'s "pact" to (folded:_i making _d via _d+(cond:pos is an even,_i,""),"",...(1st of $groups)'s "pact"))
(display:"type" of (1st of $groups) + "-act")
(set: _b to true, _f to ($tiles1:_m,"Ff")+(cond:"B" is in _u,(a:_m),(a:)))
(if: _g's "next" < _g's "turn")[
(set:_b to false)
](else-if: _u contains "H")[
(set:_b to true, (1st of $groups)'s "built" to (it-"H")+" ")
$dev[<br>Skipping shortage check b/c had a shortage OR good harvest last turn.]
(display: "PossibleShortage")
(if:(_p<_f's length+2))[(display:"GainP")]
(if:_t is 1 or (_a contains (_v's "type")'s 1st))[(display:"LawfulDomesticAffairs")]
(else-if:(_v's "type") matches (p:"A",digit))[(display:(cond:($isGreedy:_h) or ($isTough:_h),"RoutAlpha","BribeAlpha"))]
(else-if:(_v's "type") matches (p:"G",digit))[(display:(cond:_p<=1,"LawfulDomesticAffairs","InteractWithNomads"))]
(else-if:(_v's "type") is "NT")[(display:"InteractWithNeutral")]
(else-if:(_v's "type") is "LT")[(display:"InteractWithAligned")]
(else-if:(_v's "type") is "LO")[(display:"OutpostInteract")]
(set:_z to ($tiles1:_m,"ABFJLMORSUWabjw"+(cond:_e>0 and "P" is in _u,"Im",_e>0,"I","")))
($l2:" "+(either:"Later that year","In the same year","As the year went on","Early next season","Soon then")+", ")
(set:_f to (ds:))
(unless:_u contains "B")[(set: _f to _f+(ds:"Brewery"))]
(unless:_u contains some of "ST")[(set: _f to _f+(ds:"Shrine"))]
(unless:(_g's "fort" > 2) or (_l < 2*(_g's "fort")))[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Defenses"))]
(if:_u contains "S" and _l > 0)[(set: _f to _f+(ds:"Temple"))]
(unless:_l<2 or _p<5)[
(unless:("F" is in _u) or (($tiles2:_m,"Vv") is (a:)))[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Foundry"))]
(unless:("W" is in _u) or (($tiles1:_m,"Rr") is (a:)))[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Waterwheel"))]
(unless:("O" is in _u) or (($tiles1:_m,"Mm") is (a:)))[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"Observatory"))]
(set:_q to ($tilesG:_m,"AaBbCcDdGgHhJjMmSsUuWwXx0"))
(if:_q is not (a:))[(set:_q to (either:..._q),_f to _f+(ds:"OutpostBuild"))(set:_i to _q%$w,_j to (floor:_q/$w))]
(if:_f's length>0)[(display:(either:..._f))]
(display: "GainP")(display: "GainL")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "B")
($l2:"a brewery was established to supply alehouses in the %s, and opening the way for ale to become a widely traded commodity in the kingdom, and perhaps with time, outside it as well.",_n)
(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "S")
($l2: "a shrine was built in honor of the gods. All %s gods of %s were %s in the kingdom, but the three especially revered were deities of **%s**, **%s**, and **%s**. A priest took residence in the shrine to offer blessings.",
($num: $pantheon's length),
1st of (split: ",", $worldname),
(either:"worshipped","prayed to","respected"),
...(1stto3rd of $pantheon))
(if: _g's "fort" is 0)[
(set:"fort" of (1st of $groups) to 1)
($l2:"the stone-architects labored tirelessly on improving the storage houses, ")
(if:_h contains "the Greedy")[
($l2:"as ordered by %s who desired to keep the crown's wealth safe. Extra guard was instituted as well to prevent theft.")
"while bookkeepers appraised the supplies available and needed. With this, some certainty would be maintained.",
"such that it be possible to tell at a glance what's missing and what needs replacing, and keep thieves at bay.",
"redesigning them to prevent spoilage and fires, guard the supplies better, and keep track of what's in store."))
](else-if: _g's "fort" is 1)[
(set: "fort" of (1st of $groups) to 2)(display: "LoseL")
($l2:"the kingdom's builders were able to finish their work on new walls around the larger settlement. Now not just the royal dwelling, but the capital itself was well-protected.")
(set: "fort" of (1st of $groups) to 3)(display: "Lose2L")
($l2:"towers manned with archers and equipped with ballistae were erected on top of the settlement's walls, turning it into a great stronghold capable of holding out against mythic beasts and armies alike.")
(set: _k to ($tiles1:_m,"AaBbCcDdGgHhJjMmSsUuWwXx0"))
(if: _k's length > 0)[
(set: _q to (either: ..._k))(set: $map's _q to "T")
($l2:(either:"the massive edifice of a temple was consecrated by priests with generous offerings and sacrifices. Its sacred grounds would also be used for tombs and memorials to the deceased among both royalty and citizenry.",
"a great temple was opened such that the gods could be properly venerated. In addition to that, a large span of land was dedicated to crypts and burial grounds where honored dead would be interred with their belongings.",
"architects and masons finished work on a grand temple and adjoining mausoleum for the nobility, alongside more humble grounds where common people of the kingdom could venerate their ancestors with proper burial."))
($l2:"a large temple was built within the settlement walls, blessed by priests so that the people could have a proper place of worship. Underneath it, catacombs were dug, going far below.")
(display: "LoseL")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to (it - "S") + "T")
(display: "LoseL")(display: "GainE")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "F")
($l2:"a %s put forth a daring idea to exploit a nearby fumarole for its heat in casting metal, claiming that alloys made that way would have special properties, and thus, the %s Foundry was built.",
(either: "royal architect","guildmaster"), (last of (words:_n)))
(display: "LoseL")(display: "GainE")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "W")
($l2:"work took place down by the river, "+(either:
"with carpenters putting into motion a %s's plan for a water wheel to power machines capable of milling grain, sawing lumber and even working the smithing bellows.",
"a %s demonstrating a recently-built waterwheel of ingenious design, capable of harnessing the river for industry such as milling, or for plumbing and irrigation."),
(either: "royal architect","guildmaster"))
(display: "LoseL")(display: "GainE")(set: ("built" of (1st of $groups)) to it + "O")
($l2:"the foundation for an observatory tower was laid atop the highest peak in the settlement's vicinity, with a tenuous path for scholars and stargazers %s enough to visit.",
(display: "Lose2P")(set: $map's _q to "0")
($newgroup:"LO",_i,_j)(set:$groups's last to it+(dm:"name",2nd of (words:its "lord") + (cond:its "lord"'s last is "s","' ","'s ") + (either:"Borough","District","Estate","Hearth","Hold","Keep","Manor")))
($l2:"an intrepid group of frontiersmen established a new outpost, %s, in a hitherto-unsettled span of land farther out from the border, where they hoped to find untapped resources to export to their parent kingdom.","name" of ($groups's last))
(set: _i to (folded: _i making _j via _j-_i, "123", ..._g's "built"))
(if:_i's length > 0)[
(set:_i to (either: ..._i))
($l2: "the settlement continued to develop, adding %s.", ((num:_i) of $pantheon) of (dm:
"artistry", "a well-designed public bath decorated with statues fashioned in elaborate artistic style",
"battle", "an expanded army barracks, decorated with kingdom's banners and symbols of the god of battle",
"craftsmen", "an exotic glassblowing workshop that signified the beginnings of a new guild in town",
"death", "a place of execution and rows of gibbet cages against the settlement's walls to intimidate foes",
"harvest", "a lavish mess hall and establishing the beginnings of a feasting tradition at court",
"intrigue", "a web of secret passages connecting parts of the city for use by the crown's spymaster",
"justice", "a courthouse, where the reigning monarch would listen to grievances and dispense justice",
"knowledge", "a public forum building and public library, built in the name of the god of knowledge",
"medicine", "a hospital dedicated to training physicians, with a small shrine to the god of medicine",
"nature", "a contemplative garden to the ruler's palace, and beautiful park for the citizens to relax in",
"storms", "a great pillar of a royal tower that permitted view of the sky and surrounding land",
"wealth", "a new market square with an intricately designed, and functional, fountain in the middle"))
(set: (1st of $groups)'s "built" to it + _i)
(if: (1st of $groups)'s "built" contains all of (a:"1","2","3"))[(display:"GainE")]
(set:_s to (random:3))
(if:_s is 1)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"a new guildhall was erected in place of one of the settlement's former residential quarters, providing residence for master craftsmen and a place for apprentices and journeymen to learn.")
](else-if:_s is 2)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"a new school was opened, with a local sage providing lessons in literacy for young and old alike, and a small scriptorium frequently hiring out scribes and trading in stationery.")
](else-if:_s is 3)[
(display:"GainL")($l2:"one of the local %ss saw an expansion, with repairs being done on older stalls and new ones being opened by local guildsmen and visiting traders alike.", (either:"merchant plaza","guild trade post"))
(display:"GainL")($l2:"a renovation was done of one of the settlement's older and crumbling quarters, with new stone buildings replacing existing slums, paving repaired, gardens and fountains added in place of older wells.")
(set:_i to _v's "x"-_x,_j to _v's "y"-_y)
(set:_d to (cond:_j<=-2,"north",_j>=2,"south","")+(cond:_i<=-2,"west",_i>=2,"east",""))
$dev[<br>Interacting with outpost at _i,_j relative position from capital.]
($l2:"%s recalled soldiers and laborers from %s to the %s so they could be put to work at the main settlement. This left the outpost undermanned, much to the dismay of %s.",
_n,_v's "name",_d, _v's "lord")
(if:_v's "pop"<=0)[(display:"TakeLL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F")]
](else-if:_v's "pop" is 1 and _p>2)[
($l2:"%s sent soldiers and laborers to reinforce %s to the %s, as well as a skilled emissary to both assist %s and oversee the %s's interests. The influx of new workforce improved morale somewhat, giving people hopes about the future growth of the site.",
_n,_v's "name",_d,_v's "lord",($royal:_h))
(if:_v's "type" matches (p:"A",digit))[(display:(cond:($isGreedy:_h) or ($isTough:_h),"Rout","Bribe")+"Alpha")]
(else-if:_v's "type" matches (p:"G",digit))[(display:(cond:_p<=1,"LawfulDomesticAffairs","InteractWithNomads"))]
(else-if:_v's "type" is "NT")[(display:"InteractWithNeutral")]
(else-if:_v's "type" is "LT")[(display:"InteractWithAligned")]
(else-if:(_t is 1) or _v's "type" is "LO")[(display:"OutpostExploit")]
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "state" to " ",
_z to ($tiles1:_v's "loc","ABJLMORSUWabjw"+(cond:_v's "edge">0,"I","")))
(if:_z's length > 0)[
(set: _q to (either: ..._z))(set: _k to $map's _q)
(if:_k is "M")[
(set: $map's _q to "m")
($l2:" %s employed builders to dig new quarries and mines near the %s's %sern outpost, %s, to supply the kingdom growing need for metal and stone.",_v's "lord",_n,_d,_v's "name")
](else-if:_k is "S")[
(set: $map's _q to "s")
($l2:" a load of bog iron was extracted from a swamp near a %s's %sern outpost, %s, to smelt in bloomeries and turn into blades and tools.",_n,_d,_v's "name")
](else-if:_k is "I")[
(set: $map's _q to "i")("KillE")
($l2:" an prospecting expedition returned from the icy wastes near a %s's %sern outpost, %s, carrying a load of %s discovered therein.",
_n,_d,_v's "name",(either:"gemstones","valuable ore","gold nuggets"))
](else-if:_k is a lowercase)[
(set: $map's _q to _k of (dm:"a","d","b","u","j","a","w","g"))
" the hunters and loggers from %s's %sern outpost, %s, exhausted much of the resources in a span of %s, leaving only %s in its stead.",
" the %s expanded logging and hunting around its %sern outpost, %s, in a span of %s which was soon depleted into a scarce %s."),
_n,_d,_v's "name",($terr:(uppercase:_k)),($terr:(uppercase:$map's _q)))
](else-if:_k is in "LOR")[
(set:$map's _q to (lowercase: _k))
($l2:" %s's %sern outpost, %s, sent forth fishing crews into the nearby %s to harvest its bounty.",
_n,_d,_v's "name",($terr:(uppercase:_k)))
(set:$map's _q to (lowercase: _k))
($l2:" %s's %sern outpost, %s, sent forth loggers and trappers to harvest more wood and furs from the %s.",
_n,_d,_v's "name",($terr:(uppercase:_k)))
(if:(random:2) is 0)[
" The kingdom profited from this in more ways than just wealth, as %s's scouts kept the %s apprised of goings on in the %sern lands.",
" The outpost's own wealth increased, and valuable new insights were had from %s's reports about lands beyond the %s's realm to the %s."),
_v's "lord",($royal:_h),_d)
" Wealth was exported to the main settlement, filling %s's coffers while attracting more guild workers to the outpost itself.",
" The quotas set by %s were met, with caravans bringing new quality tools and from the main settlement in exchange for material."),
($l2:" %s's %sern outpost, %s, reported only a modest revenue as most of the area's natural resources had been exhausted by now. %s did still keep observation posts serving as a border guard for the kingdom.",_n,_d,_v's "name",_v's "lord")
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "A")
(if:_h contains "Overseer")[
(set:_r to ($pname:))
($l2:"%s of %s passed away unexpectedly, and the next day the work and guard crews held a public vote to elect a replacement. Thus %s, formerly a %s, took up the mantle of running the settlement for %s people.", _h,_g's "name",_r, (either:"a guard veteran","a ranger sergeant","a bookkeeper","a trades"+($man:_r),"a builder fore"+($man:_r)))
(set:_r to "Overseer "+_r)
(if:_h contains "Founder")[
($l2:"%s of the outpost bearing %s name, passed away unexpectedly and was replaced on %s post by the new ",
($l2:"%s of %s passed away unexpectedly and was replaced on %s post by the new ",
_h,_g's "name",($hisher:_h))
(if:_t is 1)[
(set:_r to "Overseer "+($pname:))
($l2:"%s. With the parent kingdom no longer there to make appointments, %s was selected by vote among the work and guard crews, marking %s from now on as an independent settlement.",_r,($heshe:_r),_n)
(set:_r to "Governor "+($pname:))
($l2:"%s, appointed by %s of %s and arriving soon from the capital with the hopes of keeping the place useful to the crown.",_r,1st of (split:" the ",_v's "lord"),2nd of (split:" of ",_v's "name"))
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"lord",_r,"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135)))
(if: _g's "next" < _g's "turn")[
(set:_b to false)
(if:((_v's "type")'s 1st is "G") or (_a contains (_v's "type")'s 1st))[
(if:_p is 1)[
($l2:"a bustle of activity took place in the clanhold of the %s. Winter homes were being prepared for new families after this year's fertility festivals and rites of passage for the youth. Having grown their own numbers from scarce few into a healthy clan, the %s nomads were looking to the future.",_n,1st of (words:_n))
](else-if:_e is 0)[
($l2:"the annual rites were conducted among %s nomads, accompanying a marketplace fair and exchange of crafts—and ideas—by skilled masters of various professions. Fuel, supplies and tools were being stockpiled, and herds tended to for the time they would spend not out on pastures.",1st of (words:_n))
(set:_q to ($tilesG:_m,"AaBbDdGgHhJjMmSsUuWw"))
(if:_q is not (a:))[
(set:_b to false, _q to (either:..._q))
(set:_i to _q%$w,_j to (floor:_q/$w))
(set:_f to (ds:))
(unless:"C" is in _u)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"CheeseMaker"))]
(unless:"L" is in _u)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"LeatherWorks"))]
(unless:"M" is in _u)[(set:_f to _f+(ds:"MeatPreserver"))]
(if:_f's length>0)[(display:(either:..._f))]
(else:)[(display: "NomadMiscBuild")]
](else-if:_v's "type" is "NT")[
](else-if:_v's "type" is "GT")[
(display:"LoseE")(set:_k to $map's _q)
($newgroup:(cond:_k is in "AaDdJj","G3",_k is in "BbUuSs","G1",_k is in "MmWw","G4","G2"),_i,_j)
(set:_q to (last of $groups)'s "lord")
(set:(last of $groups)'s "lord" to (cond:($man:_q) is "man","Herdmaster ","Shepherdess ")+_q)
(set:_i to _i-_x,_j to _j-_y)
(set:_d to (cond:_j<=-2,"north",_j>=2,"south","")+(cond:_i<=-2,"west",_i>=2,"east",""))
($l2:"the %s shepherds set out from their settlement to once again seek out fresh pastures for their animals. This group had a %s, and their path lay towards a stretch of %s in the %s. ",1st of (words:_n),(last of $groups)'s "name",($terr:_k),_d)
(if:_k is in "Mm")[
($l2:"The alpine landscape would provide little for any animal but the hardy caprine, yet the herders knew their ways.")
](else-if:_k is in "abdghjsuw")[
($l2:"The land was more scarce than usual, and the herd did not grow as quick as it might have had.")
](else-if:_k is in "ABDGHJSUW")[
($l2:"That area was bountiful, and the herd grew quickly, with the shepherds easily able to live off the land.")
(set:(last of $groups)'s "pop" to it+1)
($l2:"some of the less itinerant dwellers in %s took up the craft of making cheese, with the mind of providing food for the clan's stores on a larger scale. On the next seasonal fair, many new sorts of cheese were introduced, solidifying the status of cheese making as a robust new industry in the clanhold, and the cheese itself as a valuable trade good.",_n)
(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to it+"C")
($l2:"a furrier's trade shop in %s was being expanded into leather works. The owner, a skilled artisan, owned no herds, but instead dedicated %s time to perfecting the craft of making leather goods, from arrow quivers to saddles and tents. With the growth of the clan's livestock, demand for these goods was at an all time high.",_n,(either:"his","her"))(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to it+"L")
($l2:"with an abundance of meat from the herds, the meat preserver's shack in %s saw a lot of hard work, enough that by the end of the year it would expand into a thriving business that would keep the clan's provisions well topped off and increasing the wealth with each new herd culled.",_n)(set:(1st of $groups)'s "built" to it+"M")
(set:_s to (random:3))
(if:_s is 1)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"%s took residence in the %s's hold, settling down to practice %s craft under protection of the nomad warriors.",_n,(either:"an old explorer and mapmaker","a master weaponsmith","a renowned poet and bard","a fletcher and crossbow-maker","self-professed mystic"),(either:"his","her"))
](else-if:_s is 2)[
(display:"GainE")($l2:"a riding contest was held among the best of %s, for which many of the prominent families gathered in the hold along with many more to witness it. New riding techniques were demonstrated, and breeds of steed worthy of clan's pride.",_n)
](else-if:_s is 3)[
(display:"GainL")($l2:"the %s's carpenters worked to expand the holding pens for the ever-increasing herds of livestock, and improving the design of the nomads' wagons, which no doubt would bring wealth to the clan's coffers.",_n)
(display:"GainL")($l2:"a small shrine to the god of %s was built on %s's grounds, with followers of that deity visiting the clanhold more often to mingle with their brethren, and bringing more year-round trade to the local marketplace.",(either:...$pantheon),_n)
(if:_t is 1)[
($l2:"%s and %s team seemingly went missing as by that time they haven't been heard of for a while. Rumors were never certain on whether they fell prey to an unknown beast, were killed in a territorial conflict, or scattered after their parent clan was gone.",_h,($hisher:_h))
($l2:"after years abroad, %s's team visited their homes again, to barter for supplies and sell some of their raised livestock. As individual craftsmen and the clan's families gathered, rumors and news exchanged, the clanhold turned into a place of bustling industry almost overnight. %s would be trading hides and meat for weeks to come.",_h,_v's "name")
(display:"LosePP")(display:"HelpP")(display:"HelpE")(set:$map's _m to (lowercase:it))
(for:_i where it is in " CLM",..._v's "built")[(display:"HelpL")]
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"pop",0,"loot",0,"edge",0,"state","F"))
(set:_r to ($pname:),_q to (ds:"Architect","Austere","Blessed","Clever","Diligent","Devious","Greedy","Hot-blooded","Intemperate","Mighty","Quarrelsome","Ravenous","Strong","Unyielding","Wise")-(ds:(split:" the ",_h)'s 2nd))
(set:_r to (cond:_g's "type" is "GK",($patr:_r),($royal:_r))+" "+_r,_q to (either:..._q))
($l2:"%s died and was succeeded as the ruler of the %s by %s, a %s known for %s ",_h,_n,_r,($man:_r),($hisher:_r))
(set:_r to _r+" the "+_q)
(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"lord",_r,"next",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135)))
}($l2:"ambition with construction and building. Often "+(cond:_g's "type" is "GK","clashing with the clan's nomadic lifestyle, the new %s wanted to develop the land in ways more than using it for pasture","spending more out of the treasury on grand projects than would be seemly—or sane"),($patr:_r))($l2:"—it is small wonder that %s the Architect came to be known as such.",_r)($l2:"reputation as a severe leader, both putting effort into every project and demanding the same of every last one of %s subjects. %s the Austere had few true friends, but many respected %s for this quality.",($hisher:_r),_r,($himher:_r))($l2:"dedication to the %s's religion. Said to have been marked by the gods at birth, %s the Blessed was raised as a defender of the faith, and upon taking the throne would soon prove the nickname as very apt by establishing a priest as %s closest advisor and dedicating projects to shrines.",($etype:_g's "type"),_r,($hisher:_r))($l2:"extensive education and ability to put it to use. Being so well-learned, %s the Clever also had a way with people and an eye for talent, although perhaps overconfidence would sometimes get the better of %s.",_r,($himher:_r))($l2:"disdain for idle hands. A tireless and efficient administrator with a passion for progress and innovation, %s ability was stifled by expectation %s put in others. Still, %s the Diligent was perhaps truly in %s place on the throne.",($hisher:_r),($heshe:_r),_r,($hisher:_r))($l2:"ruthless ambition and villainous character. Rumored to have a hand in the previous %s's demise and %s own ascension to the throne, %s nevertheless proved effective at managing friends and foes to stay in power, earning %sself the nickname \"the Devious\".",($ruler:_g's "type"),($hisher:_r),_r,($himher:_r))($l2:"insatiable avarice. Aspiring to be the richest ruler in history, %s nonetheless wasn't too keen on investing %s treasury, preferring instead to hoard wealth like a dragon, which soon earned %s the unflattering nickname, \"the Greedy\".",($heshe:_r),($hisher:_r),($himher:_r))($l2:"fiery temper, equally so on the battlefield and while holding court. Many an advisor was to suffer from %s the Hot-blooded's rash judgement and impulsive decisions, but %s passion and drive were also unquestionable.",_r,($hisher:_r))($l2:"confidence, but also impulsiveness. If one can say ruling a %s is a game of chance, %s the Intemperate indulged in it thoroughly. Although %s spirit lent %s charm among followers, the new %s had more than one enemy %s would need a lot of luck to defeat.",($etype:_g's "type"),_r,($hisher:_r),($himher:_r),($ruler:_g's "type"),($heshe:_r))($l2:"booming voice, %s build and a penchant for brawling. Admired by warriors and poets alike, %s the Mighty was sure to strike fear into the hearts of the %s's enemies.",(cond:($man:_r) is "man","herculean","amazonian"),_r,($etype:_g's "type"))(if:_g's "type" is in (ds:"CK","RK"))[($l2:"mastery of poetic form and fondness of flyting contests. Albeit few but most trusted advisors would dare trade insults with a %s, %s council often had to endure some creative words every time they displeased %s the Quarrelsome.",($ruler:_g's "type"),($hisher:_r),_r)](else:)[($l2:"irascible character. Rivalries and and occasional challenge had been par for the course for %s the Quarrelsome, and even among friends many would have to learn to contend with the young %s's abrasive personality.",_r,($ruler:_g's "type"))]($l2:"aggressive demeanor. Nicknamed \"the Ravenous\" for allegedly biting a chunk out of %s opponent's shield in a duel, the new %s was perhaps not the most diplomatic, but certainly respected—and feared—by %s military commanders.",($hisher:_r),($ruler:_g's "type"),($hisher:_r))($l2:"strength of will. Few were able to withstand %s commanding gaze. A story claims that, while still a young %s, the future ruler stared down a wild beast %s encountered on a hunt, despite being caught without a blade in hand.",($hisher:_r),($man:_r),($heshe:_r))($l2:"stubbornness above all. Even at the expense of %s own popularity, the new %s would rarely back down from a decision. It was a trait not everyone admired, but the nickname \"the Unyielding\" was not given by those people.",($hisher:_r),($ruler:_g's "type"))($l2:"thoughtfulness and rare ability to intuit a decision to any problem. Some attributed this to divine gift, but %s the Wise instead claimed that daily meditation was the secret to understanding how things work.",_r){
(set:_r to ($pname:))
($l2:"the champion's mantle was passed down from %s to %s in a solemn ceremony where the new leader swore to protect %s people. Despite continued isolationism, the tribal enclave still grew and prospered on its own, if not as quickly.",
2nd of (words:_h),_r,($hisher:_r))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord","Champion "+_r))
(set:_r to ($pname:))
(set:_f to (find: _i where (none-pass: where (its "type")'s 1st is _i,...$groups),..."LCG"))
(if:_t is 1 and _f is not (a:))[
(if:$age is "Age of Creation")[(set:$age to "Age of Kingdoms")]
($l2:"old %s of %s %s. The tribe was taken over by %s, whose vision and expertise allowed the settlement to thrive, growing both in size and prosperity, and even adopting some new trades and practices from the %s.",
(either:"was killed in a hunting accident","passed away after a period of illness","was defeated in a duel with a rival"),
_r,(cond:_t is 1, "other tribes across the continent","the nearby "+_v's "name"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord",_r))
(set:_r to ($royal:_r)+" "+_r+" the "+(either:"Architect","Austere","Blessed","Clever","Diligent","Devious","Greedy","Hot-blooded","Intemperate","Mighty","Quarrelsome","Ravenous","Strong","Unyielding","Wise"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:
"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:4,8),
"Kingdom of "+(str-replaced:" Tribe","",_n),
"next",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135)
($l2:"the %s, while not yet quite advanced in fine crafts and stoneworking, %s. Uniting them under a single banner was %s, who had grand designs for the future of %s nascent raider kingdom.",_n,
"learned how to best fight other tribes, becoming a warrior culture inclined to take from others what they lacked",
"figured out weapons more complex than spears, axes and bows, and tactics more advanced than those used in a hunt",
"had grown into a warlike society where every free man and woman was trained from birth to handle themselves in battle"),
(set:_f to ($tiles1:_m,"ABDGHJSUW"),_r to ($royal:_r)+" "+_r+" the "+(either:"Architect","Austere","Blessed","Clever","Diligent","Devious","Greedy","Hot-blooded","Intemperate","Mighty","Quarrelsome","Ravenous","Strong","Unyielding","Wise"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:
"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:4,8),
"Kingdom of "+(str-replaced:" Tribe","",_n),
"next",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135)
(if:$age is "Age of Creation")[
($l2:"the %s was the first to ", _n)
(if:($tiles1:_m,"M")'s length > 2)[
(display:"GainL")($l2:"begin ubiquitous use of wrought metal, in part thanks to its rare mountainous location with a multitude of ores")
](else-if:(_f is not (a:)) and (($tiles1:_m,"R") is not (a:)))[
(set:((either: ..._f) of $map) to "F")($l2:"start using wheels, plows and irrigation to stop being so dependent on available game and forage in the wilderness")
(display:"GainE")($l2:"develop a writing system so that knowledge could be passed on, and it is their calendar that this chronicle uses")
(set:_f to ($tiles1:_m,"ABDGHJMSUW") of $map)
($l2:". Thus was laid the foundation for the %s, a borough of stone that stood proud amidst the surrounding %s, heralding the beginning of the Age of Kingdoms.",(1st of $groups)'s "name",($terr:(folded: _i making _r via (cond:(count:_f,_i)>3,_i,_r),"0", ..."ABDGHJMSUW")))
(display:"GainL")(display:"GainE")(if:_f is not (a:))[(set:((either: ..._f) of $map) to "F")]
($l2:"as the Age of Kingdoms continued, another tribe, %s, shifted beyond subsistence hunting and gathering, their agriculture, metalworking and social structure advancing towards making it into one of the land's greater realms, ruled by %s.",1st of (words:_n),_r)
($l2:"%s, heir to the old %s, took over the %s, moving it from a partially hunter-gatherer existence to that of pastoral nomads. The tribe had herded livestock since prehistoric times, but by now the herds had grown so much they became the most prominent part of the tribe's life. Looking for new pastures they wanted to expand their territory as well.",_r,_h,_n)
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:4,8),"next",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord",($patr:_r)+" "+_r+" the "+(either:"Architect","Austere","Blessed","Clever","Diligent","Devious","Greedy","Hot-blooded","Intemperate","Mighty","Quarrelsome","Ravenous","Strong","Unyielding","Wise"),"type","GK","name",(str-replaced:"Tribe","Clan",_n)))
(set:_r to ($pname:), _s to (random:2))
($l2:"%s's old %s died and was succeeded by %s heir, %s, ",_n,_h,($hisher:_h),_r)
(if:_t is 1)[
($l2:"who %s a return to the old ways. Knowing that their former %s no longer stood, the people of the tribe were on their own again. Yet having learned a lesson that even a powerful %s can fall so easily, they also started to fortify their ancestral land and train in the ways of war.",
(either:"sought for the tribe","immediately proclaimed","had long clamored for"),
(cond:_u contains "T","benefactor","suzerain"),
($etype:(1st of (_g's "type"))+"K"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord","Champion "+_r,"type","NE","fort",2,"name",(str-replaced:"Tribe","Enclave",_n)))
](else-if:_s is 0 and _u contains "S")[
($l2:"who %s a return to the old ways. As it was, many did not view the %s's influence as benevolent. They sought to isolate themselves, fortifying their village to ward off visitors. %s was %s to learn about the tribe casting off %s faith, and %s.",
(either:"sought for the tribe","immediately proclaimed","had long clamored for"),
_v's "name",
1st of (split:" the ",_v's "lord"),
($hisher:_v's "lord"),
(either:"a major conflict was brewing","fighting was almost imminent","punitive action was considered"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord","Champion "+_r,"type","NE","fort",2,"name",(str-replaced:"Tribe","Enclave",_n)))
](else-if:_s <= 1 and _u contains "G")[
($l2:"who %s a return to the old ways. Wary of reprisals from the %s, the new leader made the tribe's builders fortify their ancestral land, forged weapons not unlike those of their oppressor, and trained warriors for the inevitable conflict with %s.",
(either:"sought for the tribe","immediately proclaimed","had long clamored for"),
_v's "name",
1st of (split:" the ",_v's "lord"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord","Champion "+_r,"type","NE","fort",2,"name",(str-replaced:"Tribe","Enclave",_n)))
($l2:"who, having received a %s upbringing, further ushered the tribe to adopt the customs of its %s %s, establishing new crafts houses, a new shrine, and written laws for members of the tribe.",($ename:_n),(cond:_u contains "T","allied","suzerain"),($etype:_v's "type"))
(set:(1st of $groups) to it+(dm:"turn",_g's "turn"+(random:45,135),"lord",_r))
(if:_p is 1)[
](else-if:($isGreedy:_h) or ($isTough:_h))[
(display:((1st of (_g's "type")) of (dm:"L","Recruit","B","Recruit","C","Extort","R","Extort","G","Befriend"))+"Tribe")
](else-if:($isGreedy:_h) or ($isTough:_h))[
(display:((1st of (_g's "type")) of (dm:"L","Convert","B","Convert","C","Subjugate","R","Subjugate","G","Befriend"))+"Tribe")
(if:((_v's "built") contains "T") or ((_v's "built") contains "S"))[
](else-if:(_v's "built") contains "G")[
(display:((1st of (_g's "type")) of (dm:"L","TradeWith","B","TradeWith","C","Tax","R","Tax","G","TradeWith"))+"Tribe")
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
($l2:"a group of emissaries and scholars from the %s traveled to the %s to learn about their customs and way of life and also extend an offer of friendship from %s. ",_n,_v's "name",_h)
($l2:"Through eloquence and mindful approach, they were able to win the tribal elders' trust and were allowed to open a school and trading post on tribe grounds, both of which would help solidify the newly-earned friendship.")
(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," T"))
](else-if:_s>2 and _l>0)[
($l2:"Not without great gifts, but they were able to win the tribal elders' trust and were allowed to open a school and trading post on tribe grounds, both of which would help solidify the newly-earned friendship.")
(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," T"))
(display:"GiveL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D")
($l2:"Despite great gifts offered, elders of the %s were suspicious of the outsiders, tacitly denying them many opportunities to speak freely to the tribespeople, and.",1st of (words:_v's "name"))
($l2:"Despite the allegedly sincere approach, elders of the %s were suspicious of the outsiders, tacitly denying them many opportunities to speak freely to the tribespeople.",1st of (words:_v's "name"))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
($l2:"a small group of warriors from the %s approached the %s, demanding tribute for their %s. ",_n,_v's "name",($royal:_h))
(if:_v's "loot"<=0)[
($l2:"It soon became apparent, however, that the %s people were dirt poor, yet prepared to fight to the death for what little they did have. Realizing that there's nothing to gain here, the %s messengers left empty-handed.",1st of (words:_v's "name"),($ename:_n))
](else-if: _s > 4)[
(if:_v's "loot" is 1)[
(display:"TakeL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
($l2:"Albeit there was not exactly much to be taken, the tribe, intimidated by the dreadful promises of %s commander, agreed to provide whatever scant treasure they could gather as tribute.",($ename:_n))
(display:"Take2L")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
($l2:"After deliberation between the leaders of the tribe, a significant tribute was bestowed to the messengers out of the tribe's coffers, leaving them laden with goods and treasure to bring home.")
](else-if: _s > 2)[
(display:"TakeL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
($l2:"Although reluctant to submit to the demands, the tribe bargained with the messengers until an agreement was reached for a modest amount of gifts to be sent to the %s.",($royal:_h))
(display:"HelpE")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D")
($l2:"The tribesmen, however, took a resolute stance against the extortion, saying that as free people they owe no allegiance nor tribute to the %s. The messengers had to leave empty-handed, but not before promising %s's wrath.",
($etype:_g's "type"),($royal:_h))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2,(1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(if:(random:1) is 0)[
($l2:"the %s received an armed delegation from the neighboring %s, who demanded that the tribe %s to their ruler in exchange for protection and trade. ",_v's name,_n,(either:"swear fealty","pledge tribute"))
($l2:"a war party of %s troops traveled to the %s to present an ultimatum: submit to %s's rule or be slaughtered on the battlefield. ",($ename:_n),_v's name,_h)
(if:_s > 4)[
(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," G"))
($l2:"Many in the tribe felt intimidated by this obvious display of power, realizing that they would be waging war against a vastly superior foe, and after much deliberation %s agreed to the demands presented. A garrison was left with the tribe to oversee it.",_v's "lord")
](else-if:_v's "pop"<=1)[
($l2:"Few as they may have been, the tribal warriors took a last stand in their home, preferring to die rather than serve the %s. Many of the %s warriors had also been slain that day, before the tribe was no more.",($ptitle:_h),($ename:_n))
](else-if: _s > 2)[
(display:"LoseP")(display:"KillP")(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," G"))
($l2:"Yet in a display of defiance the tribesmen gathered troops of their own to resist and repel the oppressor as best they could. It was futile, however, as despite losses on both sides, the tribe was eventually subjugated by force. A garrison was left to oversee the survivors.")
(display:"LoseP")(display:"KillP")(display:"HelpE")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D")
($l2:"As the %s commander relayed their demands, the tribe refused to yield, and heavy fighting broke out, in which many warriors on both sides had been slain, and the %s's forces eventually withdrew.",($ename:_n),($ptitle:_h))
($l2:"a caravan from %s approached the gates of %s, carrying tribute for %s. ",_v's "name",($ename:_n),_h)
(if:_v's "loot">0)[
($l2:"Out of the tribe's own coffers, the goods ranged from common supplies to works of art made of precious materials. The %s was satisfied with the offering, and bestowed upon %s loyal subjects a token of protection and blessing.",($royal:_h),($hisher:_h))
(set:_z to ($tiles1:_v's "loc","ABGJLORSUW"))
(if:_z's length > 0)[
(display: "GainL")
(set: _q to (either: ..._z))(set: _k to $map's _q, $map's _q to (lowercase:it))
($l2:"This year's tribute was %s and consisted mainly of ",(either:"generous","plentiful","abundant"))
(if:_k is "S")[
($l2:"berries, woven rugs and medicinal herbs collected in the heart of wetlands surrounding the tribe's ancestral ground.")
](else-if:_k is "O")[
($l2:"loads of seafood, as well as coral and pearls acquired by divers in the shorewaters which lay adjacent to the tribe.")
](else-if:_k is "R")[
($l2:"the bounty of the river in the form of smoked fish and herbs which only grew in the fertile soil by the riverbank.")
](else-if:_k is "L")[
($l2:"precious gems from the lakeshores where the tribe dwelled, as well as dried meat of hunted wild bird and fish caught in the lake itself.")
](else-if:_k is "U")[
($l2:"animal pelts, from bearskin to the precious ermine, all hunted in the tundra which was home to the tribe.")
](else-if:_k is "G")[
($l2:"livestock and wheels of hard cheese crafted from the tribe herds' produce, as well as valuable horn and ivory.")
($l2:"hunted animal pelts, carved bone, and rare sorts of wood gathered in the %s of %s ancestral lands.",
($terr:_k),1st of (words:_v's "name"))
($l2:" The %s was satisfied with the offering, and bestowed upon %s loyal subjects a token of protection and blessing.",($royal:_h),($hisher:_h))
($l2:"It was only a token one, consisting of modest amounts of supplies and materials. The %s was displeased, but there was little to be done as there was little land around the tribe that could offer any more resources useful to the crown.",($royal:_h))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "G")
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2, (_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2, (1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(if:(random:1) is 0)[
($l2:"given a decline of the %s population, an envoy traveled to the %s, seeking able-bodied tribesmen to add to the workforce. ",($ename:_n),_v's "name")
($l2:"an envoy from the %s sought to recruit %s tribesmen to bolster the dwindling ranks of laborers, artisans and soldiers. ",_n,1st of (words:_v's "name"))
(if: _s > 4)[
(if:_v's "pop">1)[
($l2:"The envoy's words were rather moving, and with the blessing of their chieftain, quite a few men and women agreed to enter the %s's employ.",($royal:_h))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F")
($l2:"As the tribe itself was few in numbers, its remaining members chose to join the %s for a new life, leaving the old tribe site bereft of people.",($etype:_g's "type"))
](else-if:_l is 0)[
($l2:"Yet without much wealth offered in return the hiring attempt was almost doomed to fail, and the envoy left just as empty-handed as %s arrived.",(either:"he","she"))
](else-if: _s > 2)[
(if:_v's "pop">1)[
($l2:"Bolstered by gifts to the tribe and to potential recruits, a stream of new volunteers were soon riding towards the %s settlement.",($ename:_n))
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F")
($l2:"As the tribe itself was few in numbers, its remaining members chose to join the %s for a new life, leaving the old tribe site bereft of people.",($etype:_g's "type"))
(if:_v's "pop">1)[
($l2:"Promises were made and rewards offered and yet few potential recruits expressed interest at all, with the envoy eventually leaving empty-handed.")
($l2:"Yet as the tribe was experiencing much of the same problem, the few remaining men and women were too reluctant to abandon their home.")
(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if:_s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set:_s to it-2, (_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if:_s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set:_s to it+2, (1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(if:(random:1) is 0)[
($l2:"the %s received a delegation from the neighboring %s, who spoke of blessings the gods have given them in return for their faith. ",_v's name,_n)
($l2:"several %s representatives traveled to the %s to share their ideology and extol the %s's way of life and the benefits of such. ",($ename:_n),_v's name,($etype:_g's "type"))
(if: _s > 4)[
(display:"HelpE")(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," S"))
($l2:"As visitors enjoyed the hospitality of the tribal community, they had great success convincing its leaders to adopt elements of %s faith, and were allowed to build a shrine.",($ename:_n))
](else-if:_l is 0)[
($l2:"Yet with just words to back their offer, the conversion attempt was not very successful, and the visitors soon found themselves unwelcome.")
](else-if: _s > 2)[
(display:"GiveL")(display:"HelpE")(set:(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"type",(1st of _g's "type")+"T","built"," S"))
($l2:"Many in the tribe were intrigued by the gifts offered, and felt the visitors' words had merit, which paved the way for eventual conversion in a newly-built shrine.")
(display:"GiveL")(set:(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D")
($l2:"Yet for all the hospitality offered and gifts accepted, the tribe's leaders were resolute about their community retaining its existing values.")
($l2:"Yet efforts at conversion were met with resistance, and in some cases, open hostility, prompting the visitors to leave before blood would be spilled.")
(set: (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "D",_s to (random:1,6))
(if: _s is 5 or _s is 3 and _v's "edge" > 0)[(set: _s to it-2, (_t of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(else-if: _s is 2 or _s is 4 and _e > 0)[(set: _s to it+2, (1st of $groups)'s "edge" to it-1)]
(set: _z to (ds:...(($tiles1:_m,"") of $map)), _q to (dm:
"A","trained animals",
"B","pine nuts",
"F","pressed oil",
"J","jars of honey",
"S","iron tools",
"W","wood products"
(set: _f to (shuffled: ...(
(folded: _i making _k via _k+(a:(uppercase:_i) of _q) where _i is in "ABFGJMSW",(a:),..._z)+
(a:"pottery","jewelry",(either:"refined salt","rare spices"),(either:"woven cloth","textiles"))+
(cond:"B" is in _u,(a:"jugs of "+(either:"ale","beer","mead","wine")),(a:))
($l2:"a %s from the %s undertook a journey into the %s's territory, bringing a variety of goods from %s to %s. ",
(either:"heavily-laden caravan","trade expedition","group of merchants"),
_n,_v's "name",1st of _f,2nd of _f)
(display: "GainE")(display: "HelpE")(display: "GainL")(display: "HelpL")
($l2:"Thanks to high quality of the goods and good negotiation, in the short time that the merchants spent at the village, many good deals were struck, with both sides gaining profit and insight into each other's culture.")
(display: "GainL")(display: "HelpE")
"The exchange went reasonably well, with the merchants buying animal pelts and raw materials in exchange for %s, and a few journeymen from the %s even staying with the tribe for a season to practice their craft.",
"The merchants were able to sell much of their stock, particularly %s which interested the tribe at this time, inspiring the locals with tales of the %s, and returned home considering the deal mildly profitable."),
(random:1,3) of _f,($etype:_g's "type"))
(if:_l>0)[(display: "LoseL")]
"Unfortunately, the goods on either side may not have been of as high quality as promised. Agreement was hard to reach, with %s's merchants eventually having to sell at a loss just to recoup the cost of the journey.",
"Then a woeful faux pas by one of the visitors' leaders soured the negotiations, which ultimately resulted in only a modest amount of trade, and men of the %s feeling unwelcome on the tribe's grounds."
),($etype:_g's "type"))
($l2:"tribesmen from %s brought animal pelts, berries and raw materials to exchange at %s's marketplaces for highly sought %s and %s from the %s. ",_v's "name",_n,1st of _f,2nd of _f,($etype:_g's "type"))
(display: "GainE")(display: "HelpE")(display: "GainL")(display: "HelpL")
($l2:"This year, the goods brought were of especially high quality, which prompted the fur merchants to strike additional deals with the tribal hunters for the future, and both sides finding their time well-spent.")
](else-if:_s>2)[(display: "GainE")(display: "HelpL")
"The trade caravan was well-received with an exchange of both goods and news from abroad, the tribesmen eventually leaving carrying packs of desired goods from the market at what they considered a fair price.",
"Those trade offers were met with some initial resistance, but ultimately a local sage versed in the tribe's customs mediated an exchange in good faith and the tribesmen received a fair, if modest, price for their goods."
"Yet despite some initial interest, the trade went poorly, with only a few of the wares changing hands, as the tribe's goods would only be bought by the %s at low price, or not at all. As such, the trading party left unhappy this year.",
"However, great difficulties were caused by the %s's own hunters and trappers who resented what they saw as uncivilized foreigners intruding into their affairs. There was almost no business to be had this year."
),($etype:_g's "type"))
}Alpha 0.2.118{
(set: $log to (a:"<img class='i2' src=images/empty.png><br>|links>[(color:#FFF)[**Version: "+(passage:'Version')'s source+", seed: %s**]]<hr>"),_s to 0,$dev to false,
$l1 to (macro:...str-type _s,[(output:)[(set: $log to it+(a:(str-replaced: "%s", via (pos+1) of _s, _s's 1st)))]]),
$l2 to (macro:...str-type _s,[(output:)[(set: $log's last to it+(str-replaced: "%s", via (pos+1) of _s, _s's 1st))]]),
$parse to (macro:...str-type _s,[(out-data:(str-replaced: "%s", via (pos+1) of _s, _s's 1st))]),
$erress to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","ress","er"))]),
$heshe to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","she","he"))]),
$hisher to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","her","his"))]),
$himher to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","her","him"))]),
$man to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","woman","man"))]),
$royal to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","Queen","King"))]),
$patr to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:(1st of (split:" the ",_n))'s last is in "aeiu","M","P")+"atriarch")]),
$etype to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:_n is "GK","clan",_n's 2nd is "T","tribe",_n's 2nd is "K","kingdom",_n's 1st is "A","lair",_n's 1st is "G","herd",_n is "CW","camp","settlement"))]),
$ename to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(str-replaced:(p-either:"Kingdom of "," Clan"," Tribe"),"",_n))]),
$ruler to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:(cond:_n is "GK","clan head",_n's 2nd is "T","chieftain",_n's 2nd is "K","monarch","leader"))]),
$ptitle to (macro:string-type _n,[(out-data:1st of ((str-find:(p-either:"King","Queen","Patriarch","Matriarch","Chieftain","Herdmaster","Shepherdess"),_n)+(a:"")))]),
$gname to (macro:[(out-data:(str-replaced: (p-either: "dodor", "oodor"), "albe", (upperfirst:(either: "arud", "asen", "amal", "ber", "bhul", "cael", "canto", "dori", "dhi", "durh", "eld", "esta", "fel", "ghal", "hye", "hram", "imd", "ixla", "jeon", "jir", "kha", "kul", "kal", "lana", "lem", "las", "mael", "mar", "mir", "nar", "nix", "olb", "pel", "qhi", "rash", "res", "soel", "soth", "thul", "uekh", "vel", "wyn", "xug", "yla", "zoel"))+(either: "ania", "burg", "eira", "inor", "lia", "lait", "land", "odor", "rion", "sau", "tein", "ythra", "wana")))]),
$pname to (macro:[(out-data:(str-replaced: (p-either: "yhye", "rirra"), "waera", (either: "Ay", "Ba", "Ce", "De", "Ez", "Fen", "Gem", "Hy", "In", "Ja", "Ka", "Lod", "My", "Mer", "Ne", "Or", "Pav", "Qun", "Ri", "Sul", "Seb", "Te", "Ur", "Ven", "Wyn", "Xal", "Zer")+(either: "arud", "asen", "amal", "ber", "bhul", "cael", "canto", "dori", "dhi", "durh", "eld", "esta", "fel", "ghal", "hye", "hram", "imd", "ixla", "jeon", "jir", "kha", "kul", "kal", "lana", "lem", "las", "mael", "mar", "mir", "nar", "nix", "olb", "pel", "qhi", "rash", "res", "soel", "soth", "thul", "uekh", "vel", "wyn", "xug", "yla", "zoel")))]),
$isGreedy to (macro:str-type _h,[(out-data:last of (split:" the ",_h) is in (ds:"Covetous","Greedy","Usurious"))]),
$isPious to (macro:str-type _h,[(out-data:last of (split:" the ",_h) is in (ds:"Blessed","Faithful","Zealot"))]),
$isSmart to (macro:str-type _h,[(out-data:last of (split:" the ",_h) is in (ds:"Devious","Clever","Wise"))]),
$isTough to (macro:str-type _h,[(out-data:last of (split:" the ",_h) is in (ds:"Austere","Mighty","Ravenous","Strong","Unyielding"))]),
$newgroup to (macro: string-type _t, integer-type _x, integer-type _y, [ {
(output:)[(set: $groups to it+(a:(dm:
"turn", ((1st of $groups)'s "turn")+(cond:_t is "CW",(random:4,8),_t matches (p:"G",digit),25,(random:45,135)),
"loc", _x+$w*_y,
"x", _x, "y", _y,
"type", _t,
"name", (cond:
_t is "CW","raider camp",
_t is "G1","reindeer herd",
_t is "G2","horse herd",
_t is "G3","camel herd",
_t is "G4","goat herd",
($gname:)+(cond:_t is "NT"," Tribe","")),
"pop", 2,
"loot", (cond:_t is in (a:"LO","CW","G1","G2","G3","G4"),0,1),
"edge", (cond:_t is "CW",1,0),
"fort", 0,
"pact", " ",
"arts", (a:),
"built", " ",
"state", " ",
"lord", (cond:_t is "NT","Chieftain ",_t is "CW","Captain ",_t is "LO","Founder ","")+($pname:),
"kills", 0))
} ]),
$num to (macro: integer-type _i,[(out-data: (nth: _i+1, "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", "twenty"))]),
$terr to (macro: alnum-type _n,[(set:_i to (cond:_n is a digit,"Z",_n))(out-data:(uppercase:_i) of (dm:"0","landscape","A","savanna","B","boreal forest","C","cave","D","desert","E","edifice","F","farmland","G","grassland","H","hills","I","ice sheet","J","jungle","L","lake","M","mountains","O","ocean","R","river waters","S","cold bog","T","burial grounds","U","tundra","V","volcano","W","woodland","X","old battlefield","Y","tower","Z","ruins","|","bridge","-","bridge"))]),
$tiles1 to (macro: integer-type _m, str-type _t,[ {
(out-data:(find:_i where _t is "" or $map's _i is in _t,_m-$w-1,_m-$w,_m-$w+1,_m-1,_m,_m+1,_m+$w-1,_m+$w,_m+$w+1))
} ] ),
$tiles2 to (macro: integer-type _m, str-type _t,[ {
(set:_x to _m%$w,_y to (floor:_m/$w),_r to (a:))(set:_d to (range:(max:1,_x-2),(min:_x+2,$w-1)))
(for:each _j,...(range:(max:1,_y-2),(min:_y+2,$h-1)))[(set:_r to _r+(altered:_i via _i+_j*$w, ..._d))]
(out-data:(find:_i where _t is "" or $map's _i is in _t,..._r))
} ] ),
$tiles3 to (macro: integer-type _m, str-type _t,[ {
(set:_x to _m%$w,_y to (floor:_m/$w),_r to (a:))(set:_d to (range:(max:1,_x-3),(min:_x+3,$w-1)))
(for:each _j,...(range:(max:1,_y-3),(min:_y+3,$h-1)))[(set:_r to _r+(altered:_i via _i+_j*$w, ..._d))]
(out-data:(find:_i where _t is "" or $map's _i is in _t,..._r))
} ] ),
$tilesG to (macro: integer-type _m, str-type _t,[ {
(set:_x to _m%$w,_y to (floor:_m/$w),_r to (a:))(set:_d to (range:(max:1,_x-3),(min:_x+3,$w-1)))
(for:each _j,...(range:(max:1,_y-3),(min:_y+3,$h-1)))[(set:_r to _r+(altered:_i via _i+_j*$w, ..._d))]
(set:_r to _r-(folded:_i making _z via _z+($tiles1:_i's "loc","") where _i's "loc" is not 0,(a:),...$groups))
(out-data:(find:_i where _t is "" or $map's _i is in _t,..._r))
} ] ))
|reseed>[(set:$worldname to (either:"abatement","accident","adventure","alchemy","alliance","amethyst","anguish","apprentice","artifice","assertive","avalanche","barbarian","barricade","bastion","betrayal","blight","blizzard","boundary","breakfast","bulwark","burning","cactus","cadence","candlelight","castle","cathedral","catwalk","chestnut","clash","clobber","color","conjurer","contempt","council","crossroads","dance","darkness","decisive","defenders","delight","dessert","dimensions","distraught","doctrine","dreamstate","dungeoneer","dweller","eagerness","eldritch","emery","empire","entrails","explosion","faction","family","famine","fealty","festival","feverish","folklore","fortress","future","galewind","gallows","gentle","glacier","glimmer","granite","grapevine","greed","ground","guileless","hammertime","hardhold","harvest","haunt","heather","hegemony","holding","ignorance","immortal","insanity","interloper","intricate","ironside","jailor","jeweler","journeyman","jungle","keep","kindling","kingfisher","kingpin","knight","knowledge","kobold","language","lantern","leadership","lessons","lightning","longfang","lucid","luxurious","magnetism","market","mayhem","medicine","melancholy","mercury","meteor","midnight","monster","moonbeam","morale","mysticism","narrow","narwhal","nature","necromancer","needletip","neighbor","nightmare","noble","nomad","notches","number","nurture","oarsman","oasis","oatmeal","obliviax","onslaught","orange","outcast","outrage","outfit","oxygen","package","pallid","pandemonium","paragon","pattern","pebbles","persistence","phantom","phenomenon","planetside","poetry","poison","practical","primordial","prizeworthy","pumpkin","quadrangle","quartz","quake","queen","quill","rabbit","ravenous","record","relic","resistance","retribution","reverence","reward","roughneck","scholar","scorpion","shadows","shattering","shieldwall","shoreline","siegers","silence","slithering","snakebite","snuggles","society","sorcerer","southeast","spellcraft","spirit","stronghold","sunburst","survivor","swallow","sycophant","tangle","tarot","thievery","threat","throwback","thunderclap","tormentor","trapdoor","treasure","turningpoint","twinkle","underhall","underworld","utterance","vampire","vanishing","vault","village","villain","violet","visionary","vulpine","warmth","wasteland","watchman","wealth","whispers","wizardry","worldstone","worship","wreath","yakety","yardstick","yearling","zeal","zebra","zenith","zephyr","zigzag","zillion","zombie"))]
|mapbox>[<img class='i1' src='images/oldlands.png'/>]
(button:)[(link-reveal-goto:"Start game","Worldgen0")[(set:$s to ((split:": ",$s)'s 2nd) of (dm:"Small",1,"Medium",2,"Large",3,"Huge",4))(seed:$worldname)(set:$log's 1st to ($parse:it,$worldname))]]
(button:)[(cycling-link:bind $s,"World size: Small","World size: Medium","World size: Large","World size: Huge")]
(link-repeat:"<img class='rng' src='images/empty.png'>")[(rerun:?reseed)]
(css:"border:#CC8 solid 2px;border-radius:16px;font-variant:none;color:#CC8;font-weight:bold;margin:0.5em 0;")(input:2bind $worldname,$worldname)
(button:)[(link-fullscreen:"Fullscreen mode","Windowed mode")]
(button:)[(link-goto:"About the game","FAQ")]
|mapbox>[<img class='i1' src='images/oldlands.png'/>]
(button:)[(link-undo:"Return to game")]
(button:)[(link-fullscreen:"Fullscreen mode","Windowed mode")]
(button:)[(link-goto:"About the game","FAQ")]
<div class='i3'/>
(button:)[(link-repeat:"Exit to title screen")[(restart:)]]
}($l1:"In the "+(nth:1+(_g's "turn" % 3),"late months","early months","midsummer")+" of year "+(str:(ceil:_g's "turn"/3))+", "){
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where (_i's "loc") is not 0, ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(set: _t to (either: ..._f))
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Groups on map: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where (_i's "loc") is not 0 and (_i's "type") is "NT", ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(set: _t to (either: ..._f))
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Tribes on map: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where ((_i's "loc") is not 0) and ((_i's "type") is "NT")
and (((abs:_i's "x"-_x)>3) or ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)>3)),
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length > 0)[(set: _t to (either: ..._f))]
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Tribes on map: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where ((abs:(_i's "x")-_x) <= 1) and ((abs:(_i's "y")-_y) <= 1), ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if: _f's length > 0)[(set: _t to (either: ..._f))](else:)[(set: _t to 1)]
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Adjacent groups: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (a:1)+(altered: _i via pos where (_i's "x") is in (range: _x-3, _x+3) and (_i's "y") is in (range: _y-3, _y+3), ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(set: _t to (either: ..._f))
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Groups in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set:_t to 1,_v to (1st of $groups))
(set:_f to (a:1)+(altered: _i via pos where ((abs:_i's "x"-_x)<=3) and ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)<=3) and ((_i's "type")'s 1st is not in (_g's "pact")), ...$groups))
(set:_f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(set:_t to (either: ..._f))
(set:_v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Groups in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set:_f to (altered: _i via pos where ("type" of _i) is "NA" and (_i's "x") is in (range: _x-3, _x+3) and (_i's "y") is in (range: _y-3, _y+3), ...$groups))
(set:_f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length is 0)[(set: _t to 1)](else:)[(set: _t to (either: ..._f))]
(set:_v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Animal groups in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set:_f to (altered: _i via pos where ("type" of _i) is "LO" and (_i's "x") is in (range: _x-3, _x+3) and (_i's "y") is in (range:_y-3, _y+3), ...$groups))
(set:_f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length is 0)[(set: _t to 1)](else:)[(set: _t to (either: ..._f))]
(set:_v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Outposts in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set:_f to (altered: _i via pos where
((abs:_i's "x"-_v's "x")<=3) and ((abs:_i's "y"-_v's "y")<=3)
and (((abs:_i's "x"-_x)>3) or ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)>3))
and ((_i's "type")'s 1st is not in (_g's "pact")),
(set:_f to (find:_i where it is a num,..._f))
(if:_f's length>0)[(set:_t to (either:..._f))(set:_v to (_t of $groups))](else:)[(set:_t to 1)]
$dev[<br>Groups in reach by outpost and not by capital: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where
(("type" of _i) matches (p-either:"LK","LO","LT","BK","BO","BT","RK","RW","NT","NE","GK",(p:"G",digit)))
and ((abs:_i's "x"-_x)<=3) and ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)<=3),
(set:_f to (find:_i where it is a num,..._f))
(set:_f to (find:_i where ((_i of $groups)'s "loot">0) or (
((_i of $groups)'s "type" is in (ds:"BK","LK","RK")) and
(($tiles1:(_i of $groups)'s "loc","F") is not (a:))
(if:_f's length>0)[(set:_t to (either:..._f))](else:)[(set:_t to 1)]
(set:_v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Raid targets in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where ((abs:_i's "x"-_x)<=3) and ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)<=3) and (_i's "type" is not _g's "type"), ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length>0)[(set:_t to (either:..._f))](else:)[(set:_t to 1)]
(set:_v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Prey in reach: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where (_i's "type" is (1st of (_g's "type"))+"K"), ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length>0)[(set:_t to (either:..._f))](else:)[(set:_t to 1)]
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Looking for existing suzerain: _f, picked _t.]
(set: _f to (altered: _i via pos where ((abs:_i's "x"-_x)<=3) and ((abs:_i's "y"-_y)<=3) and ((_i's "type")'s 2nd is "K"), ...$groups))
(set: _f to (find: _i where it is a num, ..._f))
(if:_f's length>0)[(set:_t to (either:..._f))](else:)[(set:_t to 1)]
(set: _v to (_t of $groups))
$dev[<br>Looking for existing suzerain: _f, picked _t.]
(prepend: ?logbox)[
(if:$log's length > 10)[
|links>[(link: "Show entire log<hr>")[
(prepend: ?logbox)[
(color:#BBB)[(folded: _i making _d via _d+_i+"<hr>", "", ...$log's 1stto11thlast)]
] ]
(color:#BBB)[(folded: _i making _d via _d+_i+"<hr>", "", ...$log's 10thlastto2ndlast)]
(color:#FFF)[(print:$log's last)<hr>]
](scroll: ?logbox, 1)
(set:_d to
via (cond:
_i is "#","#",
"<a onclick=\"$('.tooltip').hide();$('#T"+
_i is a digit,"Z",
_i is in "-|","Q",
"').show()\" class='"+
(nth:$s, ..."SMLH")+" T"+
_i is a digit,"Z V"+(str:_i),
_i is "-","Q1",_i is "|","Q2",
_i is an uppercase,_i+" V"+((1+(pos%18)) of "121020012201102102"),
(uppercase: _i)+" V"+((1+(pos%18)) of "676575567756657657")
_g to (sorted: via its "loc", ...(find: where its "loc" is not 0, ...$groups))
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,_g's length))[
(set:((_g's _i)'s "loc") of _d to
"<img onclick=\"$('.tooltip').hide();$('#T"+(str:_i)+"').show()\" class='"+((_g's _i)'s "type")+" "+(nth:$s, ..."SMLH")+"' src='data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+(cond:
(_g's _i)'s "state" is "F", (1st of (_g's _i)'s "type")+"F",
(_g's _i)'s "pop"<=0, "Z0",
(_g's _i)'s "state" is " ", (1st of (_g's _i)'s "type")+(str:(min:9,(_g's _i)'s "pop")),
("Z"+(_g's _i)'s "state")
) of $badges
(set:_d to it + (a:"<div class='wrap'>"))
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,_g's length))[
(set:_j to _g's _i)
(set:_d to it+(a:
"<div class='tooltip' id='T"+(str:_i)+"'>"+
(upperfirst:_j's "name")
+(str:_j's "pop")+" pop, "
+(str:_j's "loot")+" loot, "
+(str:_j's "edge")+" edge<br>"
+(cond: (_j's "type")'s 1st is "A", "Kills: "+(str:_j's "kills"), "Leader: "+_j's "lord")
(for: each _i, "A'><br>Savanna","B'><br>Boreal forest","C'><br>Empty cave","D'><br>Desert","E'><br>Edifice","F'><br>Farmland","G'><br>Grassland","H'><br>Hills","I'><br>Glacier","J'><br>Jungle","L'><br>Lake","M'><br>Mountains","O'><br>Ocean","Q'><br>Bridge","R'><br>River","S'><br>Swamp","T'><br>Burial grounds","U'><br>Tundra","V'><br>Volcano","W'><br>Woodland","X'><br>Old battlefield","Y'><br>Tower","Z'><br>Ruins")[(set:_d to it+(a:"<div class='tooltip' id='T"+_i+"</div>"))]
(set:_z to last of (passage:)'s "name")
(set:_d to it+(a:_tt+"</div>"))
(replace: ?mapbox)[
(folded: _i making _d via _d+_i where _i is not "#", "", ..._d)
(for: _i where _i's "pop" <= 0, ...$groups)[(if: _i's "type" is in (a:"LK","CK","NT"))[(set: ((_i's "x") + $w * (_i's "y")) of $map to (str:(min:9,(length of (_i's "built"))+(_i's "fort"))))] ]
(unless: (passage:)'s name contains "Prehistoric")[(set: (1st of $groups)'s "turn" to it + (random:4,8))]
(set: $groups to (sorted: via its "turn", ...(find: _i where _i's "pop" > 0, ...$groups)))
(set: $groups to (altered: _i
via _i + (cond: _i's "state" is "F", (dm: "x", 32767, "y", 32767, "loc", 0, "state", " "),(dm:"state"," ")),
}(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p+1,_p to _p+1)(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l+1,_l to _l+1)(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l+2,_l to _l+2)(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to _e+1,_e to _e+1)(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p-1,_p to _p-1)(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p-2,_p to _p-2)(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to 0,_p to 0)(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l-1,_l to _l-1)(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l-2,_l to _l-2)(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l-3,_l to _l-3)(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to _e-1,_e to _e-1)(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to _e-2,_e to _e-2)(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to 0,_e to 0)(set:"pop" of (_t of $groups) to (max:0,it-1),_v's "pop" to (max:0,it-1),(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"loot" of (_t of $groups) to (max:0,it-1),_v's "loot" to (max:0,it-1),(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"edge" of (_t of $groups) to (max:0,it-1),_v's "edge" to (max:0,it-1))(set:"pop" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "pop" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "P")(set:"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "loot" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "L")(set:"edge" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "edge" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "E")(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p+1, _p to _p+1,"pop" of (_t of $groups) to it-1,_v's "pop" to it-1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "R")(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p+("pop" of (_t of $groups)),_p to _p+("pop" of (_t of $groups)),"pop" of (_t of $groups) to 0,_v's "pop" to 0,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "F")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l+1,_l to _l+1,"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it-1,_v's "loot" to it-1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l+2,_l to _l+2,"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it-2,_v's "loot" to it-2,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l+"loot" of (_t of $groups),"loot" of (_t of $groups) to 0)(set:_l to "loot" of (1st of $groups), _v's "loot" to 0, (_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to _e+1, _e to _e+1,"edge" of (_t of $groups) to it-1,_v's "edge" to it-1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "T")(set:"pop" of (1st of $groups) to _p-1, _p to _p-1,"pop" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "pop" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "P")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l-1, _l to _l-1,"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "loot" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "L")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to _l-1,_l to _l-1,"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "loot" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "L")(set:"loot" of (1st of $groups) to 0,"loot" of (_t of $groups) to it+_l,_v's "loot" to it+_l)(set:"edge" of (1st of $groups) to _e-1,_e to _e-1,"edge" of (_t of $groups) to it+1,_v's "edge" to it+1,(_t of $groups)'s "state" to "E")(set:1st of $groups to it+(dm:"pop",0,"loot",0,"edge",0,"state","F"),(_t of $groups) to it+(dm:"pop",_v's "pop"+_p,"loot",_v's "loot"+_l,"edge",_v's "edge"+_e,"state","P"),_l to 0,_p to 0,_e to 0)